> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [Batteries-devel] browsing the code while reading the doc
> Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 08:47:42 +0100
> From: bluestorm <bluestorm.d...@gmail.com>
> To: Francois Berenger <beren...@riken.jp>
> CC: batteries-de...@lists.forge.ocamlcore.org
> We delegate documentation production to the standard ocamldoc tool,
> which doesn't have this feature, so that is not really in the game
> zone of batteries developers. That said, it *could* be possible to
> make that feature available without changing ocamldoc upstream, by
> implementing it as a custom documentation formatter -- ocamldoc has a
> flexible architecture in this regard.
>    http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/manual029.html#toc120

Before you start writing a total new custom formatter (which probably
breaks with every major OCaml version because of new syntactic elements),
consider to extend/override the standard formatter. I did that quite
successfully for the PXP documentation. The derived formatter is here:


(Note that for current OCaml you need to remove the "{" from the matched
strings in html_of_custom_text.)

When I developed this, I found the documentation in the OCaml manual as
insufficient. You really need to dive into the sources of ocamldoc,
especially odoc_html.ml (which is lengthy but easy to get). I guess for
the effect you want you have to override
create_fully_qualified_{module_}idents_links. The location of a definition
in the source code seems to be in deed available, in the m_loc.loc_impl
values that are stored with the records for the various syntactic
elements. Don't know whether it is easy to do, though.


> Xavier Clerc has some experience tuning ocamldoc (
> http://argot.x9c.fr/ ), maybe he could comment on the feasibility of
> this. You could ask on the caml-list, maybe cc-ing him. If you wished
> to have a try at it directly, looking at how Argot is implemented
> would be a good source of inspiration.
> (There used to be a custom documentation generator for Batteries, but
> afaik. we mostly ditched it because, while it was nice, it made
> documentation generation time impossibly slow...)
> On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 6:01 AM, Francois Berenger <beren...@riken.jp>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> It would be really cool when while looking at the HTML doc
>> it would be possible to click somewhere so that the implementation
>> code unrolls under the doc text.
>> Because sometimes the text is not explicit enough,
>> some other times there is no text.
>> Hoogle has such feature and it was pretty useful when
>> I was coding in Haskell (maybe especially useful
>> because I was a beginner in that language), for example:
>> http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/?hoogle=map
>> Just click on map to have a look at the corresponding implementation.
>> Regards,
>> F.
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>> Batteries-devel mailing list
>> batteries-de...@lists.forge.ocamlcore.org
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