I have no problem with breaking backwards compatibility. After all, Camping
2.0 is a major upgrade.

About session.rb, even though it was I who wrote the code, _why merged it
(despite your warnings) and he's the to remove it :-)

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 2:46 AM, Bluebie, Jenna
> In 1.5, to get a full url to ones camping app, you had to do:
> this_url = 'http:' + URL('/some_action').to_s
> Useful, for instance, in my openid consumer sample code, to give the openid
> doodad a return address
> But in camping 1.9 off jud's gems, URL now returns actual url's with http:
> and everything at their fronts, which is rather snazzy... but breaking.
> Iunno, I kinda like this new fancy URL method that returns real URL's O_o
> Jud's gem's session.rb still is including the IP address in the session
> hashing. I don't think we should recommend anyone use those gems till it's
> updated, I can only imagine how painfully frustrating it must be for user's
> in ISP's using AOL style load balanced transparent proxies who no matter
> what they do, can't get cookie session support to work in camping, with no
> errors or explanations.
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