Many attempts (3 days now) to get even a single sqlite3 example running... I've got a little further by creating the database file from the sqlite3 shell. Now the app connects to an empty db and I get:

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid SQLite3::SQLException: no such table: blogtiny_posts: SELECT * FROM "blogtiny_posts" :

I am I right to expect that Camping will create the necessary tables when run as CGI?

Weird. I've used sqlite3 on the SQLite which follows with 10.4 earlier. Could you paste the code you use to connect to the database?

//Magnus Holm

I'm running it as a cgi app (no problem with Camping itself, just any apps that need sqlite3) under Apache, OS X 10.4.11... sqlite 3.1.3 (the one that comes with the system and OS X uses)?

Dave Everitt
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