Hello Jenna,
I like chill too !
Is it possible to have a simple example with db connection (I see you have
this on ChillDB::Database but just wanted to get something simple to cover
the username/password and/or remote couch server with a different URL than

and again a very simple usage to keep a database of users and a map
reduce/view to select a user by email, select all users and perhaps
validate if a user already exist ? :P

On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 2:55 PM, Jenna Fox <a...@creativepony.com> wrote:

>  Glad you like it! Chill isn't totally feature complete, but it has the
> important bits I think. If you ever find yourself needing extra bits I'd
> love to bulk it out some more - I just haven't had a use for it lately and
> I've not wanted to design APIs I'm not using myself. Much of the choices
> were made better by 
> dogfooding<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eating_your_own_dog_food>,
> I feel. I've been taking a bit of a break from programming lately. I'm
> learning にほんごそしてひらがな as a productive way to take a break from all this
> highly logical stuff!
> ―
> Jenna
> On Thursday, 26 April 2012 at 9:09 PM, Dave Everitt wrote:
> Hi Nokan
> I'm a professional newbie (simply because I use and teach a wide range
> of stuff and only go deep when I have to :-)
> As I'm sure you're aware, as an embedded lightweight database SQLite
> makes an easily-managed default setup (as in Camping... and Django,
> and even within OS X and, of course... RoR), but if you need a client-
> server database I'd say that's beyond the test server remit and would
> be a whole other setup/maintenance layer for David :-)
> SQLite is fine for me simply because I don't need anything bigger, and
> I can include the db file in a git repo (don't know yet if that's easy
> with CouchDB - anyone?).
> But Couch would be my choice for on/offline data sync, and I'd
> probably use Jenna's chill (https://github.com/Bluebie/chill) and also
> revisit Knut Hellan's article from 2009 (
> http://knuthellan.com/2009/03/08/camping-with-couchdb/
> ).
> DaveE
> Hi,
> In a previous thread I was declared as a newbie end user, now I'll
> behave
> like that :)
> If I'll use the hosting service, I'll want to be able to use mysql
> and not sqlite,
> and other experimental solutions. You can say that this is silly of
> me, but,
> as an end user, I have the right to be silly. BTW I have bad
> experience
> with sqlite. It can happen that the database becomes corrupted
> somehow,
> maybe because of not properly handled concurrent accesses, or a ctrl-
> c in
> a bad moment, I don't know. And mysql is faster too. As a silly
> end user
> I would prefer a separately existing permanency layer. This is not
> a problem
> for active record, so I really don't get it why not to use it. (It
> would be enough
> to have one database for all the users and let the
> databasename_tablename
> structured tablenames solve the rest. Actually the users don't need
> to know
> where is the data stored and how, just use the ActiceRecord API, but
> they
> need to know that it's fast enough and the data is securely stored.)
> I'm sorry, I know I was not really constructive...
> ...end users are always silly...
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