HI Nokan :)

On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 11:02 AM, Nokan Emiro <uzleep...@gmail.com>
> If I'll use the hosting service, I'll want to be able to use mysql and not
> sqlite,
> and other experimental solutions. You can say that this is silly of me,
> but,
> as an end user, I have the right to be silly.  BTW I have bad experience
> with sqlite.  It can happen that the database becomes corrupted somehow,
> maybe because of not properly handled concurrent accesses, or a ctrl-c in
> a bad moment, I don't know.  And mysql is faster too.  As a silly end user
> I would prefer a separately existing permanency layer.  This is not a
> problem
> for active record, so I really don't get it why not to use it.

I think you are making a very good point. If this was a paid hosting I
think that going without MySQL would be pure madness. But let me try to
explain: this is going to be a free, not for profit service (I won't ever
make any money with it or offer a paid plan for anything). Despite this
caveat users (free or not) tend to expect some level of support to be
available. If you offer MySQL you need to be able to help people in some
circumstances (e.g. setup, I cannot login, is not working for me etc). If
you don't this would be unusable even on a free basis ! :)

But another more important issue is that each application now is inside a
BSD jail. The jail can also host the sqlite db without problem.  If you
give MySQL you need a totally separated MySQL server installed outside the

(It would be enough
> to have one database for all the users and let the databasename_tablename
> structured tablenames solve the rest.

I don't think that would be very secure :) I wouldn't want that  !

> Actually the users don't need to know
> where is the data stored and how, just use the ActiceRecord API, but they
> need to know that it's fast enough and the data is securely stored.)
> I'm sorry, I know I was not really constructive...
>    ...end users are always silly...

Oh no you are not silly. You are actually very rational but what you are
saying is more relevant for paid hosting. My question to you is why would
even a non professional developer (let a lone a professional one)  not
spend 8$ a month to get unlimited databases and HD space on Dreamhost or a
similar service and rely on an experimental, free platform ?

I am not sure :)

So back to the topic the idea of CouchDB was mostly to experiment and get
something new for me to try/play with (which was fun for the last days at
least). Another big plus of CouchDB is that, as it runs over HTTP, it is
really easy to give space to someone and have this physically on another
server. That is interesting. It would also give a chance to users to try
something new. And I think this should be the spirit: to be able to try
something quickly but not to replace a more stable, paid hosting with
support etc.

With Heroku, EngineYard and even free EC2 instances is not easy to offer
something interesting. I don't really want to compete with the paid hosting
that, rightly so, have to make a living out of this.  The ground idea is
and remain to let people try camping :) it is not my fault if Sqlite is the
default embedded database on camping! On another note SQLite is not so bad.
I did write a PHP wrapping for it a long time ago with encryption support
etc. (http://sqlite.biz) and I never had an issue. In the wrapping I also
had a secure backup method and other things to get sure that you have good
copies and check integrity of the DB before running big operations.  But
Sqlite isn to so new now so I am trying to experiment new things like

I have also resurrected the old ruby plain file DB KirbyBase and added some
camping example in the gem (that now works with ruby 1.8 and 1.9 too)
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