You'll need a private key on serverA (or is it serverB? I always forget). In other words, you need to make it so that 'ponos' can log into serverB from serverA, without relying on your local machine at all.

Note that it does not need to be the _same_ private key that you have on your local machine. In fact, I'd recommend that it not be.

- Jamis

On Mar 3, 2007, at 7:36 PM, David Rice wrote:

Yes, that's most likely it.

public keys are on serverA and serverB
private key only on local machine

Sorry to keep asking, but i'm not entirely sure what I have to change
in my setup, or if there is any capistrano config necessary.


On 4 Mar 2007, at 02:29, Jamis Buck wrote:

Are you relying on the ssh-agent running locally to forward
authentication requests? Net::SSH (and by association, Capistrano)
does not do ssh-agent forwarding. You need to have the necessary
keys installed  on the appropriate remote hosts.

- Jamis

On Mar 3, 2007, at 7:24 PM, David Rice wrote:


I am able to do that (see just below), any thoughts why capistrano is
still asking me for the password?

ssh -l ponos serverA
svn co svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/svn/app/path


On 4 Mar 2007, at 02:15, Jamis Buck wrote:

Make sure 'ponos' can access serverB from serverA without a
password. The prompt is occurring because svn is running on
serverA, querying serverB.

- Jamis

On Mar 3, 2007, at 6:45 PM, David Rice wrote:

Hey guys,

I'm having some issues with capistrano and svn+ssh, i keep getting
prompted for the password.

I have a deployment user 'ponos' (the daimon god of toil and
labour :) )
Created pass-phrased ssh keys and stored public keys on serverA and
Private key on local machine
ssh-agent on local machine
serverA is the appserver
serverB is the svn server

So I am able to

ssh -l ponos serverA
svn co svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/svn/app/path

without being asked for a password

However if I try cap deploy from my local machine, I get the
    [serverA] executing command
 ** [out :: serverA] Password:
 ** [out :: serverA] subversion is asking for a password

It's been a while since I set this up (for another environment) so
not sure what I might be forgetting. Any help would be much


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