There's not really a special syntax for delayed evaluation of roles,  
but you can programmatically set roles in tasks:

   task :set_roles do
     servers = something_that_returns_an_array_of_server_names
     role :app, *servers

Note that because a task is run for all matching servers in parallel,  
the question "can I query what server the task is being run on right  
now" doesn't really make sense. However, if you need to substitute  
the server name in a command, you can do (e.g.):

   run "echo $CAPISTRANO:HOST$"

That would echo the name of the current host to the screen. That only  
works inside of the command that you pass to run or sudo, though,  
because run/sudo substitute that placeholder text with the server  
name immediately before sending the command to the corresponding server.

If you want to run a command on only a single host at a time, you can  
pass the :hosts key to run/sudo:

   run "this is on", :hosts => ""
   run "this is on", :hosts => ""

Note that you lose the parallelization this way, since the first run  
must finish before the second one can start. That may not matter to you.

- Jamis

On Jun 13, 2007, at 3:59 PM, hemant wrote:

> Hi,
> Basically for some of my deployment machines, I have entirely
> different mongrel_cluster.conf and for rest of them its the same.
> So basically when cap is using mongrel_cluster.conf to restart my
> mongrels on those machines, I want cap to pick different cluster
> config file.
> Plain vanilla setup has:
> set :mongrel_conf, "#{current_path}/config/mongrel_cluster.yml"
> So on every machine, it would look for mongrel_cluster.yml file. Now,
> for some machines I want cap to use
> #{current_path}/config/mongrel_cluster_www4.yml.
> I saw delayed evaluation of variables, but wasn't sure, how can i turn
> that facility to my evil purposes.
> Also, if somehow within a task,
> task :restart, :roles => :app do
>   # app was an array, and If I can get for which machine currently
> this task is executed
>   # then I should be able to pull this trick.
> end
> -- 
> gnufied
> -----------
> There was only one Road; that it was like a great river: its springs
> were at every doorstep, and every path was its tributary.
> >

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