Hello everyone,

Until now, probably like most of you, my projects were usually deployed by a
single person and usually with superuser rights.

With a new project for a remote team I wanted to switch things around. On my
own server I've set up a deployment directory inside my own home dir and I
spawn a couple of Mongrels upon deployment. I only use sudo for Nginx
configuration; setting up vhosts mostly.

See this simple deployment recipe: http://pastie.caboo.se/107359

I've set up this project, which needs to be deployed by anyone from the
team, to be owned by a group I created (here called "mygroup"). I've set up
callbacks that execute "chgrp" on deployed files and symlinks.

The problem is Mongrels. If I deploy as Mislav, a guy named Thomas won't be
able to deploy the app because restart operation will fail - he can't signal
a process that was daemonized by me. Mongrel has "--user" and "--group"
options, but those are only available with sudo priviledges.

Does anyone have an idea how to solve this or work around it? I'd like to
avoid deploying as sudo or forcing the team, including me, to use a single
user for deployment.


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