
You should create a mongrel user on the webserver, then specify the  
user and group parameters in your mongrel_cluster.yml

user: mongrel
group: mongrel


On 15 Oct 2007, at 16:32, Mislav Marohnić wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Until now, probably like most of you, my projects were usually  
> deployed by a single person and usually with superuser rights.
> With a new project for a remote team I wanted to switch things  
> around. On my own server I've set up a deployment directory inside  
> my own home dir and I spawn a couple of Mongrels upon deployment. I  
> only use sudo for Nginx configuration; setting up vhosts mostly.
> See this simple deployment recipe: http://pastie.caboo.se/107359
> I've set up this project, which needs to be deployed by anyone from  
> the team, to be owned by a group I created (here called "mygroup").  
> I've set up callbacks that execute "chgrp" on deployed files and  
> symlinks.
> The problem is Mongrels. If I deploy as Mislav, a guy named Thomas  
> won't be able to deploy the app because restart operation will fail  
> - he can't signal a process that was daemonized by me. Mongrel has  
> "--user" and "--group" options, but those are only available with  
> sudo priviledges.
> Does anyone have an idea how to solve this or work around it? I'd  
> like to avoid deploying as sudo or forcing the team, including me,  
> to use a single user for deployment.
> Thanks,
> Mislav
> >

David Rice
+44 (0)78 708 12996

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