On 27.02.2009, at 18:00, Mike Bailey wrote:

> It may well be that mattmatt-capistrano turns out to be the best fork
> for the most people. But rather than create capistrano-capistrano on
> github, why not let each fork compete on it's merits.
Because the result will be people continuously asking which fork to  
use. I've seen it happen before, and I was in the position of  
wondering what fork to use, it wasn't fun. I'm well aware of backwards  
compatibility, and if there should be a Capistrano 3, I'm also aware  
that it better not break many things in existing tasks.

While I'm all up for the forking fun on GitHub, I prefer a project  
with a stable baseline that people can come back and commit back to.  
While I don't imply that whatever I'm creating should be that  
baseline, I still prefer a gem install capistrano over a gem install  
mbailey-capistrano -s ...., since that's what other users will expect  
to work, not everyone like spending their time looking through the  
potential candidates on GitHub. Personally, I would neither want to  
answer questions to problems with specific forks, nor would I want  
users to try all kinds of forks until they find a decent one.

Cheers, Mathias

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