At first glance, that does look strange.... are you using any third party
extensions or anything, also can you paste a little of the command output,
or a whole (sanitize it, if you prefer) output from an attempted deploy?

- Lee

2009/4/25 Greg Pederson <>

> My deploy file is here:
> Thanks again for the help Lee.
> On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 3:08 PM, Lee Hambley <>wrote:
>> Can you paste your deploy file ?
>> - Lee
>> 2009/4/25 Greg Pederson <>
>>> Thanks for the info and help Lee.
>>> Since I had installed capistrano without sudo it had been installed in my
>>> user directory ~/.gem/ruby/1.8
>>> Because of this sudo gem uninstall didn't work and gem uninstall had
>>> permissions problem.  To remove capistrano from my user directory I found
>>> this command:
>>> gem uninstall capistrano --install-dir ~/.gem/ruby/1.8
>>> Now I have a 'clean' system.
>>> I installed capistrano versions 2.5.0 - 2.5.5 one by one and all work
>>> however, my deploy is still's an excerpt from the log:
>>>   * executing "sudo -p 'sudo password: ' chown app_nsight_dev
>>> /home/gspederson/apps/nsight_dev/shared/log/mongrel.log"
>>>     servers: [""]
>>>     [] executing command
>>>  ** [out ::] chown: invalid user: `app_nsight_dev'
>>>     command finished
>>> *** [deploy:symlink] rolling back
>>> I'm confused about why this is happening now and how to resolve this
>>> issue.
>>> Thanks again for everyone's help
>>> On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Lee Hambley <>wrote:
>>>> Greg,
>>>> Follow the following steps for me.... remove *any* reference you can
>>>> find to capistrano, some of the following may help
>>>> $ gem list --local | grep capistrano
>>>> $ gem contents capistrano
>>>> $ gem --version
>>>> $ cap --version
>>>> $ which cap
>>>> $ which capify
>>>> # gem list --local | grep capistrano
>>>> # gem contents capistrano
>>>> # which cap
>>>> # which capify
>>>> Where $ means `run as you` and # is `run as a root user`
>>>> Then if things still aren't working out for you, you should try coming
>>>> back to the list, it is *entirely* possible that the API for the functions
>>>> you are relying upon has changes between 2.5.3 and 2.5.5, what variable is
>>>> set to 'nsight_dev', is it :application?
>>>> - Lee
>>>> 2009/4/24 Greg Pederson <>
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> I'm hoping someone can help relieve my pain :)
>>>>> I did a gem update which updated my capistrano from 2.5.3 to 2.5.5 and
>>>>> after the upgrade my deploys stop working and failing with the
>>>>> following error:
>>>>> failed: "sh -c \"sudo -p 'sudo password: ' chown app_nsight_dev /home/
>>>>> gspederson/apps/nsight_dev/shared/log/mongrel.log\"" on
>>>>> and further up the log file there is this message:
>>>>>  ** [out ::] chown: invalid user: `app_nsight_dev'
>>>>> I tried this on 2 other apps that had previously been working fine
>>>>> with cap deploy and all had the same error about the user
>>>>> 'app_<app_name>'
>>>>> After not being able to find anything I decided to try to remove
>>>>> 2.5.5, but it wasn't listed in my gem list, so I found this post:
>>>>> and I unwisely deleted the capistrano gem from /usr/local/lib/ruby/
>>>>> gems/1.8/gems and tried to reinstall with
>>>>> sudo gem install capistrano -v 2.5.3
>>>>> after that I started getting the following error:
>>>>> /usr/local/bin/cap:19:in `load': no such file to load -- cap
>>>>> (LoadError)
>>>>>        from /usr/local/bin/cap:19
>>>>> I've tried removing all with gem uninstall, reinstalling with and with
>>>>> out capistrano versions and still no luck.
>>>>> I'm out of ideas and really hoping someone smarter than me can give me
>>>>> some guidance.
>>>>> Thanks for your help
>>>>> Greg
>>> --
>>> Greg Pederson
>>> Founder and Technical Director
>>> Nsight Development, LLC.
>>> 407-641-0327
>>> Quis custodiet ipsos custodes
> --
> Greg Pederson
> Founder and Technical Director
> Nsight Development, LLC.
> 407-641-0327
> Quis custodiet ipsos custodes
> >

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