First, thank you all for your help!
I am posting because I have yet to solve the sudo issue. I read several 
posts both here and stackoverflow and tried everything I read, but I still 
have yet to find something that works. I must be missing something in the 
server config... I believe.

Basically I have been unable to run commands that require sudo unless I set 
my deploy user in /etc/sudoers as:

deploy         ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL

This is obviously not at all ideal in terms of security...

Among other things I commented out 
#Defaults    requiretty 
in /etc/sudoers

At best I got sidekiq to stop without prompting anything but even if I 
typed the password nothing happened until I ctrl+c

Can anyone please share anything I should look at in terms of server config?
Thank you so much.


   - Ruby 2.3
   - Capistrano 3.4
   - Rake / Rails / etc 4.2.6

   - Working on.... MAC Yosemete
   - Deploying to... Centos 5.9

   - Please past logs (as completely as possible to a 3rd party pasting 
   service such as


   - Capfile
   - deploy.rb
   - Stage files (production.rb, staging.rb)

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