Just wanted to add my appreciation for whomever is keeping Carbon going as
well.  I started programming for Macs on a Mac Plus, way back in the dark
ages, I guess--back when info about how to program for Macs was on flimsy
newsprint pages that were handed around from person to person who was "in
the know."  Each time Apple has decided to entirely change the way we need
to program for Mac, I've stuck with it, painful though the changes have been
over the years.  But at this point, I feel like I'm old enough that when
Carbon no longer works, I'm done for.  I'm also a one-person shop, which has
a lot of advantages in terms of quality control and taking responsibility,
but also obviously some disadvantages.  Have to say I started programming
for Windows in 1998, and for the most part, the code I wrote then still
works perfectly now.  Some real advantages to programming for Windows, but
still hoping I don't need to give up on Macs, so PLEASE keep Carbon going
for those of us who have been so loyal for so long!

--Ann Blombach

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Kay [mailto:s...@karma-lab.com] 
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2014 2:02 AM
To: carbon-dev@lists.apple.com
Subject: Re: PowerPlant default buttons appear greyed out on Yosemite

On 11/5/14 3:50 AM, "Martin Crane" <martincr...@mac.com> wrote:

>Great to hear you got the problems sorted out, DanŠ and I just wanted 
>to add a ³hear hear² to your thoughts on Carbon in Yosemite - without 
>Apple¹s continued support, I would have been sunk long ago. I 
>especially want to extend a very big thank you to Eric Schlegel who is 
>(it seems
>single-handedly) supporting Carbon for us within Apple.

I'll de-lurk here and add my thanks as well. My Carbon apps may never be
able to be completely rewritten without years of work by a one-man company,
so the fact that they continue to work, and I can continue to update them
and more importantly, sell and support them, is fantastic. I know that Apple
is probably itching to pull the trigger on Carbon, so if Eric is the man (or
one of them) who is somehow helping to keep it going, my profound thanks.

I'm also using PowerPlant, but I always designed my own dialogs and buttons,
so I guess I didn't run into this issue. Everything worked on Yosemite -

- Stephen Kay

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