
just a quick mail to describe the direction on which Senthil and i are 
working on.
the full specs will be mailed more detailed in the near future, but for 
the moment
here are the directions we are planning :
1. we have to start to think to c2x as a product, so new branding, new 
graphics for the site &
  for the gui, also a heavy site restructure
2. the documentation, we have to create a solid documentation, wiki 
based maybe
  which can simply be integrated into c2x, so no more help files like 
the ones we have
3. freeze new feature in the code & start a restructure of the code.
  create a clean directory structure, define which are the main classes 
that are used
  in every module,separate them. define which are the core modules & 
make everything else
  instalable....maybe create some sort of c2x pear repository...

the main idea is that we don't need a framework, at least not something
as bloated as zf, maybe something much simpler like codeigniter.
which only has mvc capabilities & everything else can be added like a 
just an idea...this will be decided in a later phase...


Robert Meggle wrote:
> Hi,
>> Perhaps even a better way to start would be to take a look at the
>> free/open source/freely downloadable  book from Karl Fogel's "Producing
>> Open Source Software" (available at:
>> http://producingoss.com/en/producingoss.pdf)
> Thanks, nice hint. 
>> I would start by reading chapters 6 and 7 of that book. I am sure that
>> you will be able to immediately find a lot of easy and very useful
>> changes to make.
>> About Care2x code:
>> 1. Making Care2x always run in the current stable version of Apache,
>> MySQl/PostgreSQl and PHP should be among the first priorities;
> That is, according to my information given. If not, then it's not a
> headache. Or what do you exactly mean?
>> 2. Have a clear Howto install Care2x from bare metal (either windows or
>> linux):
>>   - Either you will be using it for serious day-to-day patient
>> management and in that case you need to know (or have access to someone
>> who knows) how to properly install a running Care2x Server.
> Can you explain that more precisely?
>>   - Or you just found Care2x and are searching for a quick way to check
>> it and, in that case, you have the live demo. In that case you should
>> not deserve too much time from the developers community. Care2x is not a
>> Game or a computer utility that one installs over the knee just to take
>> a quick look and play a little before and abandoning it to the next "mew
>> thing".
>>   - So, please, no Care2x installations over Xampp or its cousins. For
>> serious clinical usage, do you seriously think that it will substitute
>> the rock solid foundation of a a properly installed support stack
>> (Apache-Dbms-PHP) over a properly configured server?
> Care2x does not comes with xampp "or it's cousins". The issue is that on the
> one hand you should be able to install a linux based system, or you can use
> a preconfigured xampp. In case you have IT department, there is no reason to
> use xampp. In case you don't have, why not?
>> A couple of sugestions:
>> 1. Now that it has become a child's play to install Ubuntu Linux either
>> by itself, or on a dual boot machine, or even inside a windows partition,
>>   let's reduce Care2x environment variability (installation, support,
>> maintenance) and agree that the standard Care2x Developers Installation
>> should be made over, for instance, Ubuntu 8.04
> Do you mean that it should be available via apt-get?
>> 2. Let's start reducing Care2x code complexity. In some ways Care2x has
>> grown beyond manageability:
>> - We have AdoDB to make it work with a lot of DBMS but most of the time
>> ended up installed it just to work over MySql or PostgreSql
> Yes, but that's not the once and only reason to use adoDB. It's also a
> question of speed. adoDB is faster and has some nice features for developers
> (debugging). 
> I would not say that a native mysql connection would be a better way.
> Alternative we could think about the way how ZF is using it, but that would
> be a completely restart of the project. (It does not fit how the sql queries
> are used now)
>> - We have now Smarty templating just to end with more complex code to
>> make almost the same that was done before with the more simpler project
>> code
> Forget smarty. It's worse. It's a nice template engine when there is a need
> of template engines. But care2x does not need precompiled pages. Especially
> under linux it makes sometimes really nice results if you do not have
> writing permissions set on the smarty destinated folders. 
> Okay, it's given now, and we can use it. But I do not think that this will
> help to continue for that project. Almost we do not have more than 200 users
> at the same time on care2x working. 
>> - and the list goes on...  making it so complex that now nobody is able
>> to understand it enough to be able to change a few lines of code and
>> commit it to the CVS.
> I would say that it is not as complex as you describe it here. But if you
> want to add a new module then you should think how the given classes are
> working that your code will fit to the survey. 
>> 3. It is obvious that it is unnecessarily hard to commit changes to the
>> present code tree CVS. That was the problem of many other software
>> projects. That was the main reason why many of them changed from
>> sourceforge to google code, launchpad, or some other platforms.
> Actually SVN is even better than CVS.. but:
>> It is obvious that a DISTRIBUTED CVS would, in 2008, serve much better
>> the Care2x project: we have groups in Africa committing to themselves,
>> we have groups in Latin America committing to themselves, we have groups
>> in Germany committing to themselves, we see a loot of emails with code
>> snippets and bug reports that never appear in the Care2x's FAQ, or CVS
>>   , or Wiki.
> ...CVS is working faster for smaller internet connections. That's for East
> Africa the once and only reason. Nothing else. 
> But the East African sources are also mirrowed to the SF SVN. 
>> All these people cannot be wrong, and if they are not wrong than there
>> must be anything keeping them from doing the "proper" thing, i.e.,
>> reporting the bugs at the bugs page, committing code and patches to the
>>    code and patches page, looking for answers for common problems at the
>> FAQ's page. Time has proven that sourceforge has not been good at
>> supporting these activities. It is unnecessarily complex. It is not user
>> friendly. Far from being a place to keep the Care2x community united, it
>> has been a source of frustration.
> Could be. Do you have any suggestion?
> Robert
>> Best regards,
>> M.
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