Hi Tim, Mark,

you have grasped exactly my ideas.
i'd like to point something here. although the one-man-dictatorship
concept my produce more uniform code, it's only - in my opinion -
suitable for small things - cms and such.
when you start to think on all the requirements a functional
his system has - as Mark points out - then the one-man idea start
to loose it's attraction. not because of the lack of desire to create
something practical and functional, but for the nature of healthcare in
general. as a simple example the way acl's work in a healthcare environment
is no more 2 dimensional ( role - resource ) it becomes 3 dimensional
( role - resource - hierarchy position ).

so my proposal is simple, we have to change the way c2x is developed,
and i think everyone agrees here.
we have to broaden the developers access, we need a stable group that drives
the developing process composed by programmers, doctors, and healthcare 
and we should start thinking of it now.


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