Alex and John,

While I think it might be useful to have a command line equivalent of the "Generate inflated, ellipsoid, etc. from fiducial" for other reasons (to be explained in a later message to caret-users), I don't think this is necessary for your purposes. I'll explain further in a reply to your off-list message.


On 02/16/2006 12:04 AM, Fornito, Alexander wrote:

That did the trick. Thanks John.
I've noticed that caret_file_convert can be used to convert functional files to 
metric files.
Can it be used for converting Caret paint files into freesurfer label files? I 
couldn't see if any flags that might indicate so.
Also, are there any command line utilites for inflating a surface?
Thanks again,

Alex Fornito
M.Psych/PhD (clin. neuro.) candidate
Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre and Department of Psychology
The University of Melbourne

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of John Harwell
Sent: Thu 16/02/2006 1:36 AM
To: Caret, SureFit, and SuMS software users
Subject: Re: [caret-users] Viewing ROIs


Yes, it is possible to export paint data into free surfer label files. Choose "Export File" from the File Menu. On the Export Data File dialog, set the File Type to "Free Surfer Ascii Label File as Paint (*.label)". At the bottom of the dialog is a section titled "Export Selections" that allows selection of a surface. For an unknown reason, Free Surfer also stores coordinates in the label file. Enter a name for the file name but be aware that this file name is not used. After pressing the OK button, you will be asked to choose the Paint File Column that is to be exported. Select the column and press the OK button. For each name in the paint column, a label file will be created. For instance if the paint column contains nodes identified as SULCAL and GYRAL, two label files will be created, SULCAL.label and GYRAL.label.

John Harwell

Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology
Washington University School of Medicine
660 S. Euclid Ave.    Box 8108
St. Louis, MO 63110   USA

On Feb 14, 2006, at 11:34 PM, Fornito, Alexander wrote:

Thanks for the tip.
On another issue; I've noticed its possible to import freesurfer label files into Caret. Is it possible to do the reverse, i.e., export a paint file as a freesurfer label file?

Alex Fornito
M.Psych/PhD (clin. neuro.) candidate
Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre and Department of Psychology
The University of Melbourne

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