Passing on Jim Lewis' reply about Hamied's query, which DVE and Rolf Kotter also covered.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: [caret-users] Macaque Neuroanatomy
Date:   Fri, 23 Mar 2007 15:49:10 -0400
From:   James Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:     Donna Dierker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Donna (others),
  The brain area acronyms below are largely derived from non-English 
terminology, typically German, and thus I didn't include the full names in some 
of those cases.  However, my recollection is roughly:
IPa  = intraparietal, anterior
PA =  no idea
TAa - is some temporal cortex subdivision, anterior
TE, Tx = similarly are temporal subdivisions, but of unclear actual 

My experience in finding/using such terminology was that if some study had cited a reasonable looking homologue to what I was observing in our monkey slice sections then I would use their nomenclature. If there were competing potential names then I went with that which seemed closest to what I was seeing. In the case of these latter names, I couldn't find any more recent refernces, and thus stook with their nomenclature even though they didn't explicitly state what their acronyms stood for--often times these were transcribed from German or the like. The nomenclature issue was a BIG issue indeed, and will likely continue to "evolve" as newer and better methods of segregating brain regions develop. The problem only gets worse when dealing with human brain areas/regions.

hope this helps.


James W. Lewis, PhD.
Dept. Physiology and Pharmacology
West Virginia University
PO Box 9229
Morgantown, WV 26506-9229

Phone: (304) 293-1517
Fax: (304) 293-3850

Donna Dierker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 3/22/2007 1:54 PM >>>
Hi Jim,

Thought you might know the answer to this user's query; I don't, and DVE is out of the office.


On 03/22/2007 12:27 PM, Hamied Haroon wrote:


I’m not a neuroanatomist, but I want to find the neuroanatomical names for the temporal areas in the F99UA1 macaque parcellated according to C:\Caret5\CARET_TUTORIAL_SEPT06\MACAQUE\Macaque.F99UA1.BOTH.LewisVE00+orig

Most of the abbreviations given in the associated paint colour key are listed explicitly in the “LVE00” reference paper (Lewis JW and Van Essen DC, /J Comp Neurol/, *428*:112-37, 2000). Unfortunately the following abbreviations don’t appear to be given in full in this reference paper or in the other references cited (Seltzer B and Pandya DN, /Brain Res/, *149*:1-24, 1978, and Cusick CG et al., /J Comp Neurol/, *360*:513-35, 1995):






I would be very grateful if anyone could please let me know what these abbreviations are in full.

Many thanks in anticipation.



Hamied Ahmad Haroon PhD AMInstP

Research Associate in MR Neuroimaging

Division of Imaging Science and Biomedical Engineering

Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences

The University of Manchester

Room G.603 Stopford Building, Oxford Road,

Manchester M13 9PT

England, United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)161 275 6871 Fax: +44 (0)161 275 5145


Web: <>



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Donna L. Dierker
(Formerly Donna Hanlon; no change in marital status -- see for details.)

Donna L. Dierker
(Formerly Donna Hanlon; no change in marital status -- see for details.)

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