
Registering from a left hem source to a right hem target (or vice versa) should 
work for the LVD as well as the LPR algorithm.  I've done it myself on multiple 

Importantly, your source and target spec files must have the correct hemisphere 
assignment.  Check that 'Structure' is correct when you open each spec file, 
and change it if necessary.  If the hemispheres differ, this leads to the 
requisite mirror-flipping, as is now explained in:
* If the "structure" ("left" or "right") differs in the source and target spec 
files, mirror-flip the source landmarks.

Another item is to verify that the left and right spheres are correctly 
oriented in a dorsal view (medial wall is on the correct side, that is, if 
viewing the right sphere, the medial wall should be on the left in a dorsal 
view.  For a left hem, it should be on the right.).

It's puzzling that you had a problem only for LVD and not LPR, but I'm guessing 
that one of the above will take care of the problem. If not, let me know 
offline, as we might need to take a look at your dataset.


On Mar 23, 2012, at 1:15 AM, Tristan Chaplin wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been registering left hemispheres to a right hemispheres using the 
> landmark pinned relaxation algorithm and getting reasonable results, so I 
> presume process automatically mirrors hemispheres so they match.
> I wanted to try the new landmark vector difference algorithm.  Using similar 
> settings the registration completes but all the borders are not matched and 
> are in completely the wrong spot - e.g. medial wall is on the lateral side 
> and appear to be upside down.  Is there a chance it's not mirroring? Or have 
> I just not got the settings right?
> Thanks,
> Tristan
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