Could you upload your dataset in a zip archive here:

Specifically I need:

* functional volume being mapped
* anatomical volume with which functional volume aligns
* anatomical volume used to generate segmentation -- *cropped*
* fiducial coord file
* topology file

I am wondering if the centers of the volumes between the cropped volume used to 
generate the surface and the whole brain anatomical volume.

On Aug 12, 2015, at 1:11 AM, wrote:

> Ya, sorry for the incomplete query.
> Our interest is to view and threshold fMRI/voxel correlation data over the
> fiducial brain surface created out of high res image of individual
> macaques.
> 1. we used CARET 5.65 for creating the fiducial surfaces(following the
> caret5 tutorial guide for segmentation).we used individual already
> coregistered high res images for this purpose.
> 2. then we tried overlaying the fMRI data(spmT file from analysis using
> spm8) on the fiducial surface (following the procedures from
> and the tutorial guides).
> we ended up having
> a) fiducial surfaces with fmri data mapped onto it. But the voxel
> coordinates did not match properly with the results in spm8.
> I should tell you one thing that we found: when we overlay whole brain
> fmri results, it matches more or less in x&y axes but not in z axis. and
> when we overlay results from explicitly masked analysis(roi), it seems to
> be shifted caudally by 2-3mm in R-C axis. same things when checked in
> spm8, shows up to be well coregistered!
> b)Another issue is we are not able to threshold the caret brain overlays
> in concordance with the thresholds that we use in spm.
> The metric thresholding range (user defined) doesn't seems to represent
> what we really need.
> eg:we tried overlaying FDR corrected voel corrln values, thresh 0.4 on the
> brain in caet and tried a range of metric thresholds(user scale 0-1, put
> display mode-pos,thresh type -user, tried changing user pos thresh values
> to 0.4 and voxels doesn't show up!
> Thank you donna,
> What software was used to reconstruct the surface?
>> With freesurfer, there is an offset between the orig.mgz and the surface.
>> And depending on many factors, you might have to flip/rotate the surface
>> to be in the same orientation as the volume (or bring the volume to the
>> surface).
>> See this thread:
>> Also see the "Check Alignment between Normalized Volume and Surface"
>> section here:
>> Examining the surface contour overlaid on the volum in volume view All is
>> often very enlightening.
>> On Aug 11, 2015, at 4:42 AM, wrote:
>>> yes, ours is an individual s surface reconstruction, and so we checked
>>> the
>>> registration in spm8( using  anatomical image used for reconstruction
>>> and
>>> the functional image volumes used for mapping), where the volumes are
>>> coregistered properly, but shows anomaly in caret.
>>> thank you
>>> This almost always is because the functional volume is not
>>>> stereotactically registered to the anatomical volume used to generate
>>>> the
>>>> fiducial surface. Is this an atlas surface (e.g., one of the PALS mean
>>>> midthickness surfaces), or is it an individual's surface
>>>> reconstruction?
>>>> If atlas, this could happen if you were trying to map SPM functional
>>>> data
>>>> to the AFNI mid thickness surface, for example, because there are
>>>> noticeable differences between those stereotaxic spaces.
>>>> If individual, make sure the functional volume is in register with the
>>>> anatomical volume used to generate the surface.
>>>> On Aug 10, 2015, at 1:40 AM, wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> when i map the functional data onto caret fiducial surface, it
>>>>> appears
>>>>> that the mapping is shifted in rostrocaudal axis, caudally, by about 2
>>>>> -3 mm. anyone has idea what could be possibly wrong here?
>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> john
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