To Lynn and others who have been unable to access the SumsDB database:

I have bad news and (somewhat) good news.

1) Unfortunately, SumsDB passed away peacefully last summer.  The database was 
housed on an old server with a very old operating system.  It got 
corrupted/infected in a way that our IT experts determined was incompatible 
with keeping it robustly online or re-installing the database on a new host.

2) Before the untimely demise of SumsDB, Donna Dierker and Ben West were able 
to transfer the database contents to a different server and to provide a 
rudimentary form of access for the public datasets and some of the private 

If you link to you’ll have options to view a 
listing of all public archives that had been in SumsDB: 
and to a longer list that includes many private archives as well: 

3) If you wish to access any of these datasets, You may obtain the login 
password by emailing <>.
This requires a manual response on our side, so please be patient while 
awaiting login info.

4) The info buttons provide some information about the files contained within 
each archive, but be forewarned that the formatting is not pretty!  It may also 
be slow to load.

The download buttons should work once you’re logged in.

Sorry that this is such a kludge, but hopefully you and others will find that 
it’s better than nothing.  And it’s the best we’ll be able to do for legacy 
datasets in SumsDB.

5) Our lab remains strongly committed to sharing of extensively analyzed 
neuroimaging datasets.  However, we are investing our efforts in a more 
forward-looking direction via the BALSA database (  In 
a nutshell, BALSA is to SumsDB what Connectome Workbench is to Caret 
visualization software.   It has many nice features, and we hope that you and 
other investigators will switch from Caret to ‘Workbench’ and share your 
published results on BALSA (see 
for an article on BALSA).

Best regards,

David VE

> On Feb 7, 2017, at 11:53 AM, Lynn Sörensen <> 
> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I've been unable to access the server ( 
> <>) hosting the atlases since yesterday. Is 
> there any status on when it will be back online or what can be done about it?
> Thanks much!
> Lynn Sorensen
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