> At the moment I am trying to find out what the pros and cons about the
> CAS Authorization is, which means just sending additional attributes,
> like permissions, to the service provider after logging in, and
> shibboleths way to request the permissions after logging in.

The Shib IdP can return attributes in the same transaction as
authentication, depending on the kind of request sent by the SP.

> As far as i understood shibboleth just does the same thing, just sending
> attributes to the service provider as the SP requests them.

That's the AttributeAuthority functionality. SAML1 had a limitation that
required querying for attributes at a separate endpoint, thus 2
transactions were required. The SAML2 spec allows returning an
authentication statement and attribute statement in a single SAML response
message. In my experience as a Shib IdP operator, this mode is most common

> Why is this 'better' than using the CAS additional attributes to
> authorize people, also regarding security issues?

It's not better, just different. I tend to think of CAS as the best
solution for institutional SSO, while Shib is _the_ choice for federated

> I am a little bit
> confused about the correct definition of a SSO system that provides
> authorization.

It may be helpful to clarify that neither CAS nor Shib is an authorization
system. Jasig CAS has grown some authorization capabilities over time, but
it's not well suited for enforcing centralized authorization policy. It's
better to consider both systems as facilitating decentralized authorization
policy by releasing attributes in support of authorization decisions. The
use case for Shib in particular is fundamentally decentralized due to the
nature of federated SSO.


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