
I am using CAS 5.0.2 and cas-maven-overlay.

I am trying to create a custom theme named "ensam".

In cas.properties, I added following lines in order to make my theme the 
default theme.


I create folder src/main/resources/templates/ensam and copied default views 
file in it. So that, I 
get src/main/resources/templates/ensam/casLoginView.html

I changed this file.

When I start CAS service (./build.sh run) and go to url /cas/login, I do 
not see my modification.

In log, I got following :

2017-01-23 13:25:10,220 DEBUG [org.apereo.cas.services.web.
RegisteredServiceThemeBasedViewResolver] - <Found view ensam/casLoginView>
2017-01-23 13:25:10,265 DEBUG [org.apereo.cas.services.web.
ServiceThemeResolver] - <Found custom theme [ensam] for service [id=1000.

In my cas-overlay-template directory, I can find the file in theses places :

find ./ -name casLoginView.html
./src/main/resources/templates/ensam/casLoginView.html [my original file]
/casLoginView.html  [file without my changed]
./target/cas/WEB-INF/classes/templates/casLoginView.html [file from maven 
dependencies - without my changed]
./target/cas/WEB-INF/classes/templates/ensam/casLoginView.html [my file with
./target/classes/templates/ensam/casLoginView.html [my file with changes]

What I missed to make my theme working ?


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