Update on my work towards resolving this issue. To try to find the root of 
the problem, I completely removed all of the default theme template files, 
leaving just my personalized ones. That resulted in an exception being 
thrown (some sort of Thymleaf parse exception). This leads me to believe 
that if there is a parse exception that the software will fall back to the 
default templates.

Going on that assumption, I modified my casLoginView.html template to just 
include HTML (no thymleaf instructions). It was basically a Hello World 
html file. I restarted Tomcat and bingo! it pulled up my theme file.

So no I just have to resolve what those parse exceptions are. Not a full 
solution, but hopefully it'll get you onto the right path and serve as a 
record of what is going on.

On Monday, January 23, 2017 at 7:18:17 AM UTC-6, Matthieu Marc wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using CAS 5.0.2 and cas-maven-overlay.
> I am trying to create a custom theme named "ensam".
> In cas.properties, I added following lines in order to make my theme the 
> default theme.
> cas.theme.paramName=theme
> cas.theme.defaultThemeName=ensam
> I create folder src/main/resources/templates/ensam and copied default 
> views file in it. So that, I 
> get src/main/resources/templates/ensam/casLoginView.html
> I changed this file.
> When I start CAS service (./build.sh run) and go to url /cas/login, I do 
> not see my modification.
> In log, I got following :
> 2017-01-23 13:25:10,220 DEBUG [org.apereo.cas.services.web.
> RegisteredServiceThemeBasedViewResolver] - <Found view ensam/casLoginView>
> 2017-01-23 13:25:10,265 DEBUG [org.apereo.cas.services.web.
> ServiceThemeResolver] - <Found custom theme [ensam] for service [id=1000.
> .....]
> In my cas-overlay-template directory, I can find the file in theses places 
> :
> find ./ -name casLoginView.html
> ./src/main/resources/templates/ensam/casLoginView.html [my original file]
> ./target/war/work/org.apereo.cas/cas-server-webapp/WEB-INF/classes/
> templates/casLoginView.html  [file without my changed]
> ./target/cas/WEB-INF/classes/templates/casLoginView.html [file from maven 
> dependencies - without my changed]
> ./target/cas/WEB-INF/classes/templates/ensam/casLoginView.html [my file 
> with changes]
> ./target/classes/templates/ensam/casLoginView.html [my file with changes]
> What I missed to make my theme working ?
> Thanks

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