
logging.properties is for tomcat itself.
You can add a log4j2.xml file to your application. To it, add a logger for 
org.apereo. I think I started by copying the one that comes with CAS server.


On Fri, 2018-10-05 at 00:13 -0700, Jaume Moral wrote:
Ok, I will turn on debug and check the logs.

What is the right way to do it? All the documentation I find is to enable in 
CAS server. I try to enable it in logging.properties in /conf folder but I 
doesn't work. It seems it uses a different cofiguration file.

Can you help me?


El divendres, 5 octubre de 2018 1:51:10 UTC+2, rbon va escriure:

If test.jsp requires login and you can access it after app1/logout, I agree 
that you are not logged out.

If you turn on debugging for the cas client, you will see the log out happen.

If you do not want CAS to log user out of all apps, you can turn off single 
sign out.


On Thu, 2018-10-04 at 23:26 +0200, Jaume Moral wrote:
Yes, redirection happens and CAS server forgets the logged user

My flow is:

* http://localhost:8080/app1/test.jsp
-> redirects to CAS login
* login in cas server with username and password
-> redirects to /app1/test.jsp, showing my username and a _const_cas_assertion_
* http://localhost:8080/app1/logout
-> redirects to CAS server logout url (and it really forgets the authentication)
* http://localhost:8080/app1/test.jsp
-> It shows my username! I'm not logged out of app1 !! But there is not a 

I think that logout valve deletes the cas assertion in session, but perhaps the 
user is also stored in session and is not deleted. I thought that the user 
exposed to the application via pageContext.remoteUser was the one in 
cas_assertion, but in the last step, there is no cas assertion, but the user 

Perhaps your answer will be. "ok, you can invalidate your session and then go 
to CAS logout", but the reason I'm doing this is that i want to logout from all 
applications in same tomcat. I can't invalidate other contexts sessions, as far 
as I know.

Any ideas?

El jue., 4 oct. 2018 a las 22:47, Ray Bon (<rb...@uvic.ca<javascript:>>) 

Does the redirect to CAS happen?
If CAS does not terminate the session but your application does (i.e. the valve 
works), then when you access your application, it will go to CAS and create a 
new session using the previous single sign on.
If this is happening you will see the redirect in your developer tools and new 
service tickets issued in CAS logs.
Is there a way to tell if tomcat ends the sessions?


On Thu, 2018-10-04 at 22:05 +0200, Jaume Moral wrote:
Ok. I can use the single sign out request on cas logout, but this is not what 
I'm looking for.

I thaught that logoutvalve would do a logout in all applications on same 
tomcat, without the need of a single sign out request from cas server.

Am I wrong?

El dj., 4 oct. 2018 19.24, Ray Bon <rb...@uvic.ca<javascript:>> va escriure:

cas/logout will end the CAS session. It is up to your application to end its 
own session. If tomcat is redirecting on your application logout, then your 
application will never know to end the session.
Perhaps your cas client can perform the right steps (end session and redirect 
to cas/logout).

You can add logout url to service definition. CAS will then send a request when 
cas/logout is visited.


On Thu, 2018-10-04 at 09:38 -0700, Jaume Moral wrote:


I have a problem using RegexUriLogoutValve to achieve global logout in a tomcat 

I have two applications (app1 and app2) in the same tomcat protected with 
org.jasig.cas.client.tomcat.v7.Cas20CasAuthenticator. Single Sign On works 
perfect, but I have troubles with logout.

I have this in global context.xml

    logoutUriRegex="/.*/logout" redirectUrl="https://mycasserver.edu/cas/logout";

When I go to http://localhost:8080/app1/logout, it seems fine but none of my 
applications forget the logged user.

Inside my applications, I have


            <web-resource-name>Protected Area</web-resource-name>

And one jsp for testing

<h1>Logged user: ${pageContext.request.remoteUser}</h1>

I was expecting that after visit /app1/logout, both application forget the CAS 
user. Is this correct? Or am I missing something?

Ray Bon
Programmer analyst
Development Services, University Systems
2507218831 | CLE 019 | rb...@uvic.ca<javascript:>

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Ray Bon
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Ray Bon
Programmer analyst
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Ray Bon
Programmer analyst
Development Services, University Systems
2507218831 | CLE 019 | r...@uvic.ca

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