Hi, I am new to using CAS.

I want to implement a public client with the authorization code pkce flow 
so that the client does not have to use the client secret.
I have read in the documentation of my version that CAS accepts the 
authorization code pkce flow in /oidc/authorize in the same way as it does 
with the authorization code flow. So I have removed the client secret from 
the client JSON so that I don't have to use it for the flow. 

My problem is that when I make requests with the Postman, it allows me to 
use both the authorization code pkce and the authorization code flow for 
that client without client secret. How can I make it so that it only 
supports the authorization code pkce flow and that if it does not receive a 
code_challenge from the client the call to /oidc/authorize fails? 
In other words, make the code_challenge as a mandatory parameter for this 
application when using the /oidc/authroize endpoint.

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