On 5/4/23 3:31 PM, Ray Bon wrote:
> 2. release surrogate id [test] and surrogate attributes to application
> [groovy script] (i.e. as far as application is concerned, it only ever
> knows about surrogate, and nothing about admin)

So just to clarify, that means when the documentation here:



"Additionally, you may on a per-service level define whether an application is authorized to leverage surrogate authentication." it's auctually just referring to controlling what attributes from the surrogate are released to the service? (Which is a way of denying, so I can see it).

Remain slightly perplexed however, because the documentation says:

"Decide whether the primary user is tagged with enough attributes and entitlements to allow impersonation to execute," but it sounds like it's expected that the primary user and their attribute plays no role.

I've got the feature working fine, the hope was to just say that user X could only impersonate user Y for certain services, and the documentation seemed to suggest these RegisteredServiceAccessStrategies were the methods for doing so.

In any case, I'll go look to see if there's a way to copy over some attributes from the principal to the surrogate via the method you suggested.


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