(CAS 6.6.x)

The documentation suggests that in the SurrogatedRegisteredServiceAccessStrategies that the attributes/principal being evaluated is the "primary" user (Specifically it says: "Decide whether the primary user is tagged with enough attributes and entitlements to allow impersonation to execute" and the example attribute is a givenName of "Administrator"), which I understood to be the person doing the impersonating (aka, "admin" in the test+admin construction).

However, in my tests of both the Groovy and Attribute flavors of the strategy, the attributes and principals being evaluated are those of the account being impersonated ("test" in the test+admin construction). I've reproduced this in a very trimmed down environment, so I don't think it's a quirk of my config.

Which account's attributes are supposed to be evaluated and/or exposed to the groovy script? And if it is meant to be the surrogate, are there any hints on how to resolve attributes for the primary account for use in the groovy script strategy - it'd be helpful in my environment if we could make access decisions based on the primary account's attributes.

Thanks in advance,

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