Hi Janson:

Only update the Uboot and Roach core? My understanding is the new uboot will 
boot from USB stick instead of on board busybox? Or the busybox on board also 
need to be upgraded?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Manley [mailto:jasonman...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, 26 May 2009 2:03 AM
To: Cheng, Wan (ATNF, Marsfield)
Cc: casper@lists.berkeley.edu; Marc Welz
Subject: Re: [casper] Roach issue: Stale NFS file handle error is reported

There is a new version of uBoot checked into SVN. Please follow the  
instructions at http://casper.berkeley.edu/wiki/ROACH_kernel_uboot_update 
  for the update procedure. Note that you will need to reset your  
environment and reprogram your eeprom for all the new changes to be  

It updates a few things, but the primary change to the user is the USB  
boot procedure. In future, ROACH will no longer boot off flash, then  
look for a USB stick and pivot root. The user must explicitly select  
the boot method (soloboot, usbboot, netboot) and update the initboot  
environment variable appropriately to make it the default boot option.

In order to boot off USB now, you will need to copy the root  
filesystem onto an EXT2 or 3 partition on a USB flash drive. It should  
be the first partition on the drive. USB-powered HDDs generally don't  
work because they draw too much power. Booting off USB is still a  
little experimental. We have found that sometimes after a warm reset,  
the USB won't mount the filesystem. Different models of USB stick  
exhibit this problem to different degrees, but a cold-reboot usually  
solves it. It is not a hardware fault, because uBoot can always read  
it successfully. It appears to be a problems with the Linux driver.

Be sure to close all open files and do a clean shutdown (shutdown -h)  
before powering down the board or you risk corrupting the filesystem.

Jason Manley
Digital Engineer
SKA-SA, KAT Pinelands office

Unit 12, Lonsdale Building
Lonsdale Road
South Africa

Cell: +27 82 662 7726
Work: +27 21 531 7282
Fax: + 27 21 531 9761

On 25 May 2009, at 09:58, Jason Manley wrote:

> I suspect this warning is due to the fact that we're pivoting root,  
> with runlevels and initscripts defined by the onboard flash's  
> filesystem, not the Debian root filesystem.
> As outlined in my earlier email, I think we will be changing this to  
> use a stand-alone, native EXT2 filesystem on the USB stick. Then  
> ROACH will be a bog-standard Debian install with BORPH extensions.  
> We will try this today, and if it works as expected, upload the  
> necessary changes to CASPER SVN for you to try tomorrow.
> Jason
> On 25 May 2009, at 09:08, <wan.ch...@csiro.au> <wan.ch...@csiro.au>  
> wrote:
>> Hi Jason:
>> We have found what the problem is.
>> I have to use reboot command before I shutdown or reboot Roach. Or  
>> the file system might be broken. I think this is why.
>> But why reboot could not work? I am told the runlevel could not  
>> determined. Following information is given:
>> roach:~# reboot
>> WARNING: could not determine runlevel - doing soft reboot
>> (it's better to use shutdown instead of reboot from the command line)
>> shutdown: timeout opening/writing control channel /dev/initctl
>> init: timeout opening/writing control channel /dev/initctl
>> Thanks
>> Wan
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jason Manley [mailto:jason_man...@hotmail.com]
>> Sent: Monday, 25 May 2009 4:35 PM
>> To: Cheng, Wan (ATNF, Marsfield)
>> Cc: casper@lists.berkeley.edu
>> Subject: Re: [casper] Roach issue: Stale NFS file handle error is  
>> reported
>> We're looking into this. I think we might change things to be a  
>> little
>> less obscure; avoid the whole loopback filesystem and root pivot.
>> Perhaps boot natively off an EXT2/3 partition on the USB stick. We
>> boot our boards using NFS, so haven't seen this problem ourselves.
>> I will get back to you before tomorrow.
>> Jason
>> On 25 May 2009, at 02:16, <wan.ch...@csiro.au> <wan.ch...@csiro.au>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Jason:
>>> Any idea?
>>> Thanks
>>> Wan
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Cheng, Wan (ATNF, Marsfield)
>>> Sent: Friday, 22 May 2009 4:48 PM
>>> To: 'Jason Manley'
>>> Cc: casper@lists.berkeley.edu
>>> Subject: RE: [casper] Roach issue: Stale NFS file handle error is
>>> reported
>>> Hi Jason:
>>> Thanks for you great help. I reformat my USB stick and copy a fresh
>>> Roach core into it.
>>> Then I insert the following configuration into /etc/network/
>>> interfaces with VI.
>>> auto eth0
>>> iface eth0 inet static
>>> address
>>> netmask
>>> gateway
>>> Then I reboot the Roach again.
>>> The network could not be up automatically as normal. And I still
>>> receive
>>> ls: /etc/network/run/ifstate: Stale NFS file handle
>>> When I run ls /etc/network/run/ifstate
>>> The customised setting could be erased after I use a fresh core. But
>>> this problem still there and repeatable.
>>> And I don't think the file system is in RO because I can see my
>>> configuration in interfaces file after rebooting roach.
>>> I could not remember why the OS is crash. I will write it down when
>>> it crashes again. I think it was crashed when I use
>>> Apt-get install and apt-get -f install. I received no available disk
>>> space error. I guess something in the Roach board flash are also
>>> affected. But they could not be resumed by reprogramming the Uboot
>>> and OS Image.
>>> Any idea?
>>> Thanks
>>> Wan
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Jason Manley [mailto:jason_man...@hotmail.com]
>>> Sent: Friday, 22 May 2009 4:12 PM
>>> To: Cheng, Wan (ATNF, Marsfield)
>>> Cc: casper@lists.berkeley.edu
>>> Subject: Re: [casper] Roach issue: Stale NFS file handle error is
>>> reported
>>> If your problem is with the filesystem, then this has nothing to do
>>> with your flash (which hosts uboot, the kernel and busybox). You  
>>> will
>>> need to reformat your USB stick and put a fresh copy of the "roach"
>>> file on there. This will erase all your customised settings  
>>> though. I
>>> suspect you've managed to corrupt your filesystem and it's now
>>> mounting RO or something.
>>> I am concerned about your statement of the OS crashing. Why did it
>>> crash? Linux is pretty stable and doesn't usually crash easily. Is
>>> this a problem with the ROACH, or was it due to a user-action?
>>> FWIW, if you want to update your flash, see the step-by-step guide
>>> here: http://casper.berkeley.edu/wiki/ROACH_kernel_uboot_update
>>> Note that we are working on a new uBoot image as I write this email
>>> and there will be an update released later today or on monday. The
>>> primary change is to optimise the clock speeds around the PPC.
>>> Jason
>>> On 22 May 2009, at 08:01, <wan.ch...@csiro.au> wrote:
>>>> Hi Jason:
>>>> Thanks for your great help. But even auot eth0 is added, the  
>>>> network
>>>> still could not come up automatically.
>>>> And my USB file system is FAT32 R/W. I am not sure what the file
>>>> system is for the on board flash.
>>>> I agree with you that this should be a filesystem problem.
>>>> I think this problem is popped up only when the OS is crashed for a
>>>> few times. But this problem could not be fixed even I update the
>>>> Uboot and the image on the Roach board. Is there anyway I can erase
>>>> all the on board flash and reprogram them again?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Wan
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Jason Manley [mailto:jason_man...@hotmail.com]
>>>> Sent: Friday, 22 May 2009 3:52 PM
>>>> To: Cheng, Wan (ATNF, Marsfield)
>>>> Cc: casper@lists.berkeley.edu
>>>> Subject: Re: [casper] Roach issue: Stale NFS file handle error is
>>>> reported
>>>> This is complaining about the statefile (ifstate) not being
>>>> writeable.
>>>> This is probably a problem with your filesystem. Are you using an  
>>>> NFS
>>>> filesystem? is it mounted R/W, or Read-only?
>>>> BTW, now that I've seen your interfaces file, I suspect the reason
>>>> your interface is not coming up automatically is because you've  
>>>> left
>>>> out the "auto eth0" line...
>>>> auto eth0
>>>> iface eth0 inet static
>>>> address
>>>> netmask
>>>> gateway
>>>> Jason
>>>> On 22 May 2009, at 07:40, <wan.ch...@csiro.au> <wan.ch...@csiro.au>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi:
>>>>> In order to set a static IP address to roach Ethernet port, I  
>>>>> insert
>>>>> the following configuration to the /etc/network/interfaces:
>>>>> iface eth0 inet static
>>>>> address
>>>>> netmask
>>>>> gateway
>>>>> dns-nameservers
>>>>> Then I
>>>>> ifdown eth0
>>>>> ifup eth0
>>>>> So the Ethernet port works properly.
>>>>> But when I restart the Roach, I could not run ifdown and ifup
>>>>> command anymore. A failure is reported:
>>>>> ifdown: failed to open statefile /etc/network/run/ifstate: Stale  
>>>>> NFS
>>>>> file handl
>>>>> Then I run ls /etc/network/run/ifstate, similar error is reported:
>>>>> ls: /etc/network/run/ifstate: Stale NFS file handle
>>>>> This is repeatable.
>>>>> Anybody has any idea?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Wan

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