
The global distribution of our collaboration has exposed limitations in the
centralized nature of our version control system (i.e. Subversion).  Our
proposed solution is to migrate the CASPER version control system from
Subversion to Git (  Git is a "free & open source,
distributed version control system."

Moving to Git will make branching, merging, and having mirrors easier.  The
next step is to migrate our existing Subversion repository.  We've been
discussing this, would like to suggest some changes, and ask for your input.

Acronym definitions:

a. DNM - Do Not Migrate.  Leave in a read-only svn repository that will
eventually cease being relevant/interesting.

b. DVW - Distribute Via Wiki.  There seem to be quite a few binaries in the
repository and these may be better served through the wiki.

Proposed Repository Changes:

1. branches/  - DNM

2. tags/  - DNM

3. trunk/astro_library/ - DNM (superseded by casper_library?)

4. trunk/caltech/ - Migrate to "caltech" library or absorb into
mlib_devel_10_1 before migration?

5. trunk/mlib_devel_10_1/ - Migrate to "mlib_devel" repo.  For the
gavrt_library externals: see trunk/caltech/

6. trunk/mlib_devel_7_1/ - DNM

7. trunk/mlib_devel_8_2/ - DNM

8. trunk/mlib_devel_9_2/ - DNM

9. trunk/newfft_library/ - DNM

10. trunk/projects/* - Migrate each project to its own repo.  Make a bundled
"casper_projects" repo that uses Git submodules to include all (most?,
some?, any?) of these individual repos?

11. trunk/ref_designs_tutorials/workshop_2009/ - DNM

12. trunk/ref_designs_tutorials/workshop_2010/ - Migrate to
"casper_workshop" repo.

13. trunk/roach/demos/ - DNM?  Already in casper_workshop?  Migrate to
"roach_demos" repo?

14. trunk/roach/gw/binaries/ - DNM, DVW.

15. trunk/roach/production/roach2_run1/ - What is this and how is it used?

16. trunk/roach/production/test_software/ - Move to "roach_test_sw" repo?

17. trunk/roach/sw/ - Much of this is DNM, DVW.  Migrate to other repos that
link back to original repo (e,g, linux, u-boot, busybox)? migrate to
"roach_dev_sw" repo?  Build a bundled repo with all roach related software

18. trunk/udp_framework/ - DNM (superseded by KATCP?)

Mark, Dave

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