hi andrea,

you might be interested in other roach based seti systems:

laura spitler  ported the 128 million channel bee2 seti spectrometer
to roach,  and terry filiba developed a roach/GPU seti spectrometer,
where roach digitizes data, breaks it up into sub-bands using a polyphase
filter bank, and sends each sub-band to a cpu/gpu for high resolution spectroscopy.

best wishes,


On 8/30/2010 1:19 AM, Andrea Mattana wrote:
Hi All,

   I'm a Medicina Radiotelescopes (Italy) team member, my name is Andrea
Mattana, I'm working here since January to develop a new acquisition
system for SETI based on the CASPER ROACH board.

   I have started to work using the libraries available on the SVN
repository and in June I have done the migration on GIT following your
instractions and now I'm very up-to-date.

   I have some problems in using the CASPER FFT libraries, the drawings
seems to do not update after changing parameters. When I try to look
under mask (i.e. on fft_biplex_real_2x) there are no connections at all
between blocks, while many other casper blocks works nominally. I have
seen on the GIT commit log an update done by David MacMahon on those
blocks, I don't know if he is the right person that can help me anyway
I'm very happy to hear any suggestion to fix the problem from you all.

   The developing system I use it is a Linux Centos release 5.5 64 bit,
Matlab R2009b, Xilinx 11.4.

   Kind regards,

         Andrea Mattana


Andrea Mattana

Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica
Istituto di RadioAstronomia

Stazione di Medicina
Via Fiorentina 3508/B
I-40059 Medicina (BO)
Tel  +39-051-6965834
Fax +39-051-6965810

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