hi jonathan,

some ideas for your correlator:

300 MHz is a good target, especially for V6.
suraj has shown how to  achieve 375 MHz for V5
by using floor planning and auto-placing.
suraj or i can send you his draft paper on this if you'd like.

you might want to consider FFX instead of FX:
eg: digitizing your 9 GHz band and using a PFB to break it up into eight sub-bands
of 1.25 GHz each, and then sending the sub-bands into eight 1.25 GHz
FX correlators. this will simplify your switch requirements and each correlator now has only 4K channels, which is better suited for cornering turn in a roach II.

also, be sure to use billy's latest FFT, (recently checked in),
which moves all the adders and multipliers into DSP48's makes routing easier.
you should also consider bit growth FFT's and PFB's, which start
out with the 4 or 5 or 8 bits from your ADC, and add bits gradually
as you move the frequency domain.   dave mcmahon and hong chen
have done work on this.

best wishes,


On 12/23/2010 1:47 PM, Jonathan Weintroub wrote:
Hi CASPERites,

Here's a somewhat fluffy RFI which I hope might start a little thought and/or discussion over the season (acknowledging that not all in the global collaboration celebrate the traditional Western winter holidays):

At SMA we are looking into the use of CASPER methods to build a ultra wideband high spectral resolution correlator. Typical specs are, say, 18 GHz bandwidth with roughly 300 KHz spectral resolution, by two polarizations, full Stokes. We are considering using a standard CASPER packetized FX architecture (FX much better for high res than XF), but in the relatively unexplored "small number of antennas, wide bandwidth" regime. If the entire 18 GHz were eaten by one ADC, this would require a sample rate of 40 Gsps and 64 kpoint PFB. Perhaps more reasonable would be two 9 GHz BW blocks and a 32 k PFB sampled at about 20 Gsps, or three 6 GHz / 16 or 32 k PFB / 14 Gsps.

To start we are looking closely at the FPGA resource utilization of large PFBs. Something that probably is common knowledge amongst those experienced in FX correlator design is that the demux factor drives the utilization much faster than the size of the PFB. In that sense bandwidth is far more expensive than spectral resolution. We've put some effort into accurately quantifying the utilization, at least as far as multipliers and adders are concerned, and are expanding this analysis to block ram and other resources. And demux factor is typically radix 2, so it is very much quantized.

For example at 20 Gsps one might consider a demux factor of 128 resulting in an FPGA clock rate of 156 MHz, which is quite comfortable for the FPGA. Alternatively a demux factor of 64 with corresponding FPGA clock of twice that, or over 300 MHz. Traditionally a rather uncomfortable regime for CASPER (we're unusual, I believe, in running iBOBs at 256 MHz for the VLBI phased array). The trouble is our analysis shows that the difference between these two demux setting in the size of PFB one can fit in a Virtex 6 is really quite large, and 128 definitely won't allow us to do what we need to do.

So we are increasingly highly motivated to run the FPGAs faster still. Just a 20% increment from the 256 MHz which we currently view as a practical upper limit allows us to cross a clock rate threshold which then enables a factor of two decrease in demux factor, and consequent even larger increment in the realizable PFB size.

Which is just a long winded way of asking if there are any others in the collaboration motivated to run the FPGAs faster, and whether any tricks can be shared? In particular, does the CASPER toolflow support multiple clock domains? Our understanding is not yet, but that's based on incomplete information. We know that there exists Virtex 5 (?) IP FFT cores which supposably run at greater than 500 MHz rates, using the enhanced interconnect between DSP slices.

While on this topic of high demux factors, the tool flow largely chokes on demux factors of 32 or greater. Any tips here would also be appreciated.

If anyone can cast light on this general topic and related concerns it would be very much appreciated.

Jonathan Weintroub

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