Good Day All,

I am writing to provide a heads-up with regards to the clean up of the

The idea is to remove support for the older hardware platforms (iBOB, BEE2
and CORR) as they are no longer supported by Xilinx tools after 10. We will
provide a tag to the version of the tools which supports the older hardware.

We will also be updating the names of things such as environment variables
and scripts, to remove references to the legacy hardware.

Here is a list of things that I have changed in the clean_up branch of the
SKA MLIB_DEVEL <>repository.
This will be migrated to the master branch when it has all been

Removing iBOB, BEE2 and CORR related code from the scripts

Removing the following yellow blocks:
XAUI - Only supported by BEE2 and iBOB
CORR_mxfe - Only supported by CORR
CORR_fr  - Only supported by CORR
CORR_adc - Only supported by CORR
CORR_dac - Only supported by CORR
iBOB_lwip - Only supported by iBOB
frame_buffer - Only supported by iBOB
vsi - Only supported by iBOB
dac_iBOB - Only supported by iBOB
sram - Only supported by iBOB

Editing the following yellow blocks:
XSG core config - Removed iBOB, BEE2 and CORR options
GPIOs - Removed iBOB, BEE2 and CORR options
DRAM - removed support for multiple DIMMs as this is only supported by the

The folder xps_lib is changing to xps_base, as it contains the base support
packages for each of the supported hardware platforms
Changing bee_xps to casper_xps, ie to run the former "bee_xps" now use
BEE_XPS_Blockset changing to CASPER XPS Blockset
The environment variable BEE_XPS_LIB_PATH is changing to XPS_BASE_PATH,
this will mean a change to your matlab startsg scripts
Change the name of bee_hw_routes.m to hw_routes.m
Removing the GAVRT library.

If you can want anything to remain or can think of anything else that can
go, please let me know, I welcome any comments and ideas.



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