It looks like your licence is for the wrong hostid, I think this is
the mac address. You could either regenerate the licence on the Xilinx
site or you could set up a face eth0 interface..

On 10/22/12, Nestor Lasso Cabrera <> wrote:
> Dear Mr. or Mrs.,
> I'm trying to run the Tutorial 1 from the Casper website for ROACH
> development. I have Matlab R2010a and Xilinx 13.1 (with node fixed license)
> running in Ubuntu 12.04. Both Matlab and Xilinx are running fine. When I run
> "system generator", Matlab opens fine and display the following messages:
> ********************************
> "Installed System Generator dynamically.
> ans = TimecheckDirFile
> ans = TimecheckDirFile
> System Generator currently found installed into matlab default path
> Available System Generator installations:
> Current version of System Generator is 13.1.3561.
> Run << xlVersion >> at prompt to see installed versions of System Generator
> ********************************
> After that Simulink runs fine and shows and opens all the Casper and Xilinx
> blocks.
> My problem is when running Bee_xps. Bee_xps starts running fine, opens the
> System Generator and then give me the following error:
> *******************************
> ERROR: A license checkout has failed for System Generator for DSP (SysGen).
> ------------------- A message from the license manager --------------
> INFO:Security:56 - Part 'xc5vsx95t' is not a WebPack part.
> INFO:Security:60 - The XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is set to
> '/home/lasso/.Xilinx/'.
> INFO:Security:62 - The LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is set to
> '/home/lasso/.Xilinx/'.
> INFO:Security:68 - Please run the Xilinx License Configuration Manager
> (xlcm or "Manage Xilinx Licenses")
> to assist in obtaining a license.
> ERROR:Security:7 - A feature for SysGen was found but is for the wrong
> hostid.
> ERROR:Security:9 - No 'SysGen' feature was available for part 'xc5vsx95t'.
> ERROR:Security:12 - No 'xc5vsx95t' feature was available (-5).
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Invalid host.
> The hostid of this system does not match the hostid
> specified in the license file.
> Feature: SysGen
> Hostid: 5404a6c09beb
> License path:
> /home/lasso/.Xilinx//Xilinx.lic:/opt/Xilinx/13.1/ISE_DS/ISE/data/*.lic:/opt/Xilinx/13.1/ISE_DS/ISE/coregen/core_licenses/Xilinx.lic:/opt/Xilinx/13.1/ISE_DS/ISE/coregen/core_licenses/XilinxFree.lic:/opt/Xilinx/13.1/ISE_DS/EDK/data/core_licenses/Xilinx.lic:
> FLEXnet Licensing error:-9,57. System Error: 2 "No such file or directory"
> For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing documentation,
> available at "".No such feature exists.
> Feature: xc5vsx95t
> License path:
> /home/lasso/.Xilinx//Xilinx.lic:/opt/Xilinx/13.1/ISE_DS/ISE/data/*.lic:/opt/Xilinx/13.1/ISE_DS/ISE/coregen/core_licenses/Xilinx.lic:/opt/Xilinx/13.1/ISE_DS/ISE/coregen/core_licenses/XilinxFree.lic:/opt/Xilinx/13.1/ISE_DS/EDK/data/core_licenses/Xilinx.lic:
> FLEXnet Licensing error:-5,357
> For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing documentation,
> available at "".
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Reported by:
> Unspecified
> **************************************
> Please, could you give me any suggestion?
> Thank you,
> Nestor Lasso
> =====================================
> Dr. Nestor M. Lasso Cabrera
> Postdoc
> Departamento de Astronomía,
> Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas
> Av. Esteban Iturra s/n Barrio Universitario,
> Universidad de Concepción
> Casilla 160-C
> Concepción, CHILE
> Fono: +56-041-2207171 / fax: +56-41-2207432
> =====================================

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