Might also be worth saying that you can also pass arguments to the
underlying search function, for example, to update all software
registers (which is particularly useful of late):

update_casper_blocks(bdroot, 'Tag', 'sw_reg')


On 3 February 2014 19:22, David MacMahon <dav...@astro.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> On Feb 3, 2014, at 12:14 AM, Jason Manley wrote:
>> If you've updated from SKA-SA, you'll need to delete any existing X-engines 
>> in your design and drag a new block in from the library and set your 
>> parameters again.
> This kind of deleting and re-drawing is why the "update_casper_blocks" 
> function was created.  To update all the CASPER blocks in the current block 
> diagram, run this command at the matlab command prompt:
> update_casper_blocks(bdroot)
> If you want to update just a single CASPER block, you can select that block 
> and run this command at the matlab prompt:
> update_casper_block(gcb)
> Note that the first command is plural (ends with 's') and the second command 
> is singular (does not end with 's').  The "bdroot" and "gcb" arguments are 
> actually simulink commands that return the root of the current block diagram 
> (bdroot == block diagram root) and the current block (gcb == get current 
> block), respectively.
> These auto-update commands generally work, but I have seen some strange cases 
> where they fail.  Sometimes this is due to incompatible defaults for new 
> parameters of the new blocks, but other times it is due to unexpected 
> simulink behavior that I don't understand.  In any case, it's worth a try as 
> the first pass.
> One thing to be aware of is that sometimes (though rarely) a block's default 
> latency might have changed so one needs to be sure to re-test their designs 
> after updating.  This is true regardless of whether one updates the blocks 
> manually or with one of the above functions.
> Hope this helps,
> Dave

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