> Hi John,
> Thanx for the quick response.
> I can ping the ROACH from my windows and UBUNTU machines. They are on the
> same domains
> I left a TELNET session open just now, and when i run the command:  ssh -p
> 7147 root@<ip_address> command from UBUNTU
> i see the following on the TELNET session: #log info 946781856113 raw
> new\_client\_connection\_<ip_address>:57673
>  #client-connected <ip_address>:57673
> Does this mean the connection was good? How do I transfer the.bof file
> now?

When in the telnet window, can you execute the help command and see the
available commands?  Is there an uploadbof command?  On my system there
is, but we don't use it so I can't say for sure how it works...

?help uploadbof
#help uploadbof
!help ok 1

> I was trying with scp -p 7147 <file_location/file.bof> root@
> <ip_address>:/usr/bof
> But this does nothing and nothing happens on the TELNET session

No, that's not going to work.

Port 7147 is the port to the tcpborphserver that understands the KATCP
protocol.  It doesn't speak scp

I would try it all through the telnet interface first, I think, then use
ssh later if you must.  I am not familiar with how that works, though.

I think your system is workin

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