Hey Laura,

Have you tried the vanilla complex 'fft' block? If you generate the full
spectra including negative frequencies before inputting (I think there's a
mirror_spectrum block that might do this(?)), I would have thought you
could add two input streams together, as streamA + j*streamB. Since the FFT
of either stream should give you a real output, you'll get the two
independent FFTs in the real and imag outputs of the FFT block.
I'm relatively confident that the complex fft block works -- all the fft's
are pretty much the same under the hood, aside from some data
scrambulation, and I trust Andrew :)
(Caveat: I haven't thought about this for very long, and I'm a little
distracted by the Frozen soundtrack right now, so what I said might be


On Thu Dec 11 2014 at 14:59:46 Vertatschitsch, Laura E. <
lvertatschit...@cfa.harvard.edu> wrote:

> Hi Ryan,
> I have used a method of similar simplicity that involves swapping the real
> and imaginary parts of samples before and after the fft, so a mathematical
> equivalent of multiplying by j after taking the conjugate of the samples.
> For that design I used the fft_direct block and operated only on 32
> incoming parallel samples.
> The issue is more that we aren't sure which fft block to place in that
> algorithm for the case Jonathan describes, or if there is a clever
> algorithm to use another block.  We use the fft_wideband_real to generate
> half of the full fft, so 16k points coming out over many clock cycles.
> This block expects input data that is real and produces output data that is
> complex.  It strikes me that this block will not natively slide into the
> real/imag-swap algorithm.
> We could obviously try and produce the full fft output from the data by
> flipping and concatenation (and find the value at pi?), but we are still
> left with complex data in need of an fft block that will accept it and
> perform a 32k point transform.
> Do others use such a block with success?  It was suggested to me that the
> wideband real block was much more widely used than the other blocks, thus
> it is up to date, tested, and working.
> It would be really neat if there was a dsp trick out there that used the
> wideband_real as an inverse, but we'd like to go with simplest solution
> regardless.
> -Laura
> On Thursday, December 11, 2014, Ryan Monroe <ryan.m.mon...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> IIRC, an inverse FFT can be implemented as
>> 1. Complex conjugate
>> 2. Fft
>> 3. Complex conjugate
>> Which is mathematically identical iirc to an ifft, if slightly less
>> efficient computationally.
>> In general, the output will not be real valued of course
>> On Tue, Dec 9, 2014, 2:45 PM Jonathan Weintroub <
>> jweintr...@cfa.harvard.edu> wrote:
>>> Thanks to Richard and everyone who responded earlier for the comments,
>>> which in some cases are very detailed. It is good to know we are not the
>>> only ones worrying about this.  Our DSP group is digesting the material and
>>> looking at options, and other followup will likely follow.  I  did not want
>>> to delay thanks and acknowledgment.
>>> One basic question which did come up is it appears that even an inverse
>>> FFT would present some challenges.  We stuff the 32k forward FFT with real
>>> time series data and extract 16k complex frequency domain points.   Might I
>>> ask if any CASPER folks have experience implementing an inverse FFT
>>> relevant to this case, as a real time FPGA bit code?
>>> Thanks again.
>>> Jonathan Weintroub
>>> SAO
>>> > On Dec 8, 2014, at 9:50 PM, Richard Shaw <jr...@cita.utoronto.ca>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Hi,
>>> >
>>> > I thought I'd comment as this is a problem we've been having to deal
>>> > with recently for some VLBI observations. Fortunately we've had some
>>> > success with an offline least-squares inversion of the PFB. This is
>>> > probably not the scheme that you want, as it essentially operates on
>>> > the whole PFB'd timestream at once, so realistically you need a
>>> > cluster to do it. However, there is prototype code available here [1]
>>> > if it's useful.
>>> >
>>> > The rationale for doing this is is that when you look at the whole PFB
>>> > timestream very little information is actually lost (essentially only
>>> > a few samples at the ends), though it may be spread across frequency
>>> > and time samples. For N PFB samples of length M, there are roughly
>>> > 2*N*M total numbers measured, which depend on 2*(N+P-1)*M numbers in
>>> > the underlying timestream (where P is the number of taps). As
>>> > typically P << N, there are very few unmeasured linear combinations,
>>> > and so a statistical inversion can be pretty accurate. Fortunately it
>>> > turns out this inversion can also be done pretty efficiently.
>>> >
>>> > The general scheme is this:
>>> >
>>> > 1. inverse FFT to generate a pseudo-timestream
>>> > 2. the coupling matrix between elements in this pseudo-timestream and
>>> > the real timestream is sparse diagonal, and is trivially calculable
>>> > from the window function
>>> > 3. Perform a shuffle on the timstream to turn this into a series of
>>> > band diagonal matrices (bandwidth ~ 2*P)
>>> > 4. Use a band diagonal least-squares solve to invert the
>>> > pseudo-timestream back to the underlying timestream.
>>> >
>>> > A fuller description is here [2].
>>> >
>>> > The complexity is O(N), and as the inversion breaks into blocks it
>>> > parallelises pretty trivially up to M processes (where M is the number
>>> > of samples in the window function).
>>> >
>>> > We did look at some iterative ways that step through the PFB
>>> > timestream, but they seem to accumulate errors as they go, and become
>>> > horribly inaccurate very quickly. This avoids it by treating the whole
>>> > timestream at once. Your accuracy improves the longer the length you
>>> > use at once.
>>> >
>>> > Juan Mena Parra and Kevin Bandura (cc'd) have also been looking at
>>> > what would need to change about the PFB to make it more easily
>>> > invertible in a streaming fashion (rather than having to touch the
>>> > whole timestream at once). My memory is that changing the window
>>> > functions seems to be a big help, so hopefully one of them could chime
>>> > in to clarify that.
>>> >
>>> > Anyway, hope that is of some help,
>>> > Richard
>>> >
>>> > [1]: http://github.com/jrs65/pfb-inverse/
>>> > [2]: http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/jrs65/pfb-inverse/blob/
>>> master/notes.ipynb
>>> >

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