
> Thanks Marc,
> Good suggestion.  I'd hat the log level set to debug, but hadn't thought 
> of lowering it.  I get a lot of output, most of which I don't quite 
> understand (see below).  At this point, I probably should add that we 
> are running a tcpborphserver with a mode we created for our own system, 
> 'mba':


> ?progdev mba15_obs2d_2014_Jan_31_1052.bof
> !progdev ok 537

the "!progdev ok" suggests that it managed to program the FPGA 
successfully - there should be a borph process with pid 537 
running - you should now be able to read/write the registers ? 

> #log error 151615780430 roach.mba 
> timed\_out\_while\_waiting\_for\_fpga\_status\_to\_change:\_No\_such\_file\_or\_directory

This I think relates to a particular status register which 
certain revisions of the gateware supplied to show if the programming
completed - it is unclear if this is even a problem in your case, but I
probably don't the details completely. What matters is if you can see the 
registers then the programming should have worked out - if you type
"?listdev" you can check your register set, if that disappears after
a short while then you might have problems with the elf executable
embedded in your .bof file 



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