I really don’t know, everything was already installed on the lab computer.
But I found this:
--------------------------------- Version Log ----------------------------------
Version                                 Path
System Generator                        /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/sysgen
Matlab (R2012b)               /opt/MATLAB/R2012b
ISE                                     /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE

I have another question: wich adc block should I use with the MKID adc/dac 
board? I tryed the adc_mkid (it works but I need 4 parallel outputs for the 
fft/pfb), the adc_mkid_4x ( I got the errors in question), and the adc block 
with the simulation inputs (with this block I can generate the .bof file, but 
it doesn’t work).

Thank you so much.



Da: Jack Hickish
Inviato: venerdì 13 gennaio 2017 05:01
A: luca.fina...@yale.edu; casper@lists.berkeley.edu
Oggetto: Re: [casper] ADC_MKID_4x ERROR

Hi Luca,
Did you get anywhere with this - it seems like you're missing some of the 
adc_mkid_4x_interface code. Which version of mlib_devel are you using?

On Thu, 15 Dec 2016 3:40 pm , <luca.fina...@yale.edu> wrote:
Dear all,
I’m working on a project with ROACH2 and ADC/DAC MKID boards. I can use DAC 4x 
and ADC 2x, but when I try to run synthesis with ADC 4x I read some errors:
Format revision of project to EDK 14.7 completed
ERROR:EDK - IPNAME: adc_mkid_4x_interface, INSTANCE: test_mkid_x4_adc_mkid_4x -
   cannot find MPD for the pcore 'adc_mkid_4x_interface_v1_00_a' in any of the
   repositories - /home/Luca/adc_test/test_mkid_x4/XPS_ROACH2_base/system.mhs
   line 209 
WARNING:EDK - IPNAME: opb_bram_if_cntlr, INSTANCE: test_mkid_x4_i0 - Superseded
   core for architecture 'virtex6sx' -
   /home/Luca/adc_test/test_mkid_x4/XPS_ROACH2_base/system.mhs line 397 
WARNING:EDK - IPNAME: opb_bram_if_cntlr, INSTANCE: test_mkid_x4_i1 - Superseded
   core for architecture 'virtex6sx' -
   /home/Luca/adc_test/test_mkid_x4/XPS_ROACH2_base/system.mhs line 428 
ERROR:EDK - IPNAME: adc_mkid_4x_interface, INSTANCE: test_mkid_x4_adc_mkid_4x -
   cannot find MPD for the pcore -
   /home/Luca/adc_test/test_mkid_x4/XPS_ROACH2_base/system.mhs line 209 
ERROR:EDK - while loading XMP file
XPS% Evaluating file run_xps.tcl
ERROR:EDK - Load a MHS or XMP file first
: XPS failed.
Backtrace 1: gen_xps_files:685
Backtrace 2: run_Callback:158
Backtrace 3: casper_xps:88
Backtrace 4: 
I looked inside system.mhs file
-line 209 is          “BEGIN adc_mkid_4x_interface”
-line 397 is          “BEGIN opb_bram_if_cntlr
                              PARAMETER INSTANCE = test_mkid_x4_i0”
-line 428 is the same, but for i1.
I really can’t unsderstand what’s the problem.
Thank you so much.
Luca Finazzi.
Visiting Student,
Yale University,
New Haven, CT.

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