There were some discussions at the recent CASPER workshop about real-time
RFI mitigation.

During the course of these discussions, I pointed out that there was a
statistical detection/replacement block linked on the CASPER website (but
not in the library) -

The Green Bank Observatory has now successfully tested this block using
one of our smaller telescopes (results: This
test duplicated the X-pol, and labeled the unmitigated x-pol as 'xx1/xx2',
and labeled the mitigated x-pol as 'yy1/yy2'. Detected RFI was replaced
with random samples, not zeros.

The telescope was pointed in the direction of a known RADAR, but not at
any specific astronomical source.

We took 2 liberties with this test for simplicity's sake (so immediate
performance improvements may be possible) - no off/on source calibration
(did on/on), and used a rather short calibration dataset. Calibration in
both cases refers to the calibration done by the 'clear' register in the
first link.

Anyways, we intend to conduct further tests, but I wanted to make the
CASPER community aware of a working, statistical, real-time RFI-mitigation
block that is available.

Questions, comments, and suggestions welcome.

-Luke Hawkins

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