Hi Indrajit,

This how to is fairly old now - many changes have been made since then and
we have and are moving all CASPER documentation to ReadtheDocs or at least
readme.md files in github, which can be easily added to ReadtheDocs if
necessary. The casperfpga repo still needs to be properly documented and
this is due to happen in July after the Hardware Porting Workshop. If ROACH
support is lacking and it becomes a requirement, then we can look at this
as a task to add during that week. Jack, would be able to give you better
feedback here.

I am assuming you are using the casper-astro repo? I know Jack made a
recent change to get casperfpga working with ROACH2 i.e. the
upload_to_ram_and_program() can now configure the FPGA on ROACH2. I am not
sure about ROACH1 - a bit before my time here. Others may know more.

casper-astro casperfpga repo:

In this repo there is a readme.md file, which explains how to install
casperfpga and also references commit hashes that work with ROACH/ROACH2. I
haven't tried them so I am not sure.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Adam Isaacson
South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO)
Hardware Manager
Cell: (+27) 825639602
Tel:  (+27) 215067300
email: aisaac...@ska.ac.za

On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 7:44 AM Indrajit Barve <indra...@iiap.res.in> wrote:

> Dear Adam,
> I followed the steps which you have given in the bellow link to install
> casperfpga package.
> https://www.mail-archive.com/casper@lists.berkeley.edu/msg06436.html
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mqDIwhHo3981_Rq9Ma6Dl8UnQUzPah6DKQ55fsaeI4c/edit
> By following the steps via git . Hope it downloads the latest version of
> katcp and casperfpga.
> I am using ROACH1 and I am trying to program the device and I am getting
> the following errors.
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> import time,struct,sys,logging,casperfpga
> from struct import *
> fpga = casperfpga.katcp_fpga.KatcpFpga('',7147,10)
> bitstream='spectrum_test14_2019_May_09_1616.bof'
> fpga.system_info['program_filename'] = bitstream
> fpga.program()
> time.sleep(3)
> *'module' object has no attribute 'katcp_fpga' *
> I tried the other ways
> roach = casperfpga.CasperFpga('')
> roach.upload_to_ram_and_program('spectrum_test14_2019_May_09_1616.fpg')
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
> <ipython-input-10-e89a752b4c79> in <module>()
> ----> 1
> roach.upload_to_ram_and_program('spectrum_test14_2019_May_09_1616.fpg')
> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/casperfpga-3.2.dev644+devel.3377047-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/casperfpga/casperfpga.pyc
> in upload_to_ram_and_program(self, filename, wait_complete, legacy_reg_map,
> chunk_size, initialise_objects)
>     278             filename = self.bitstream
>     279         rv = self.transport.upload_to_ram_and_program(
> --> 280             filename=filename, wait_complete=wait_complete,
> chunk_size=chunk_size)
>     281         if not wait_complete:
>     282             return True
> TypeError: upload_to_ram_and_program() got an unexpected keyword argument
> 'chunk_size'
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Indrajit Barve
> indra...@iiap.res.in
> 080-22541492

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