Hey Andrew

Yes, you read correctly, it is 602 million data points. I perhaps thought that 
I might had to shorten the amount of data points. I played around and the bram 
can comfortably handle 6020 data points and that still gives me a decent sine 
wave if I plot it. 

I would I implement a lookup table for interest sake?

Thanks for the help! 

I really appreciate it! 


> On 26 Nov 2021, at 16:02, Andrew van der Byl <avd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Heystek,
> It's a Friday afternoon so perhaps my eyes are deceiving me, but it looks 
> like you are wanting to store 602 million data points in BRAM? don't think 
> you are going to have too much luck with that. You could generate a 
> relatively fine grained cosine wave and only store the first 1/4 wave of it. 
> When doing the lookup you can reuse the values (essentially just flipping or 
> swapping to form the remaining 2nd,3rd and 4th quarters) as needed to form a 
> full waveform. To change frequency you scale your counter value to skip 
> lookup entries (so essentially you work through the lookup faster and hence 
> get a shorter period sinusoid). This way you will use far less memory and can 
> generate different frequencies with the same lookup table. Amplitude can be 
> scaled as needed.
> Hope this helps.
> Regards,
> Andrew
> On Fri, Nov 26, 2021 at 3:49 PM Heystek Grobler <heystekgrob...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:heystekgrob...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hey Andrew
> Thank you so much for the explanation. 
> Is there a way to get around it by using a similar kind of block? Or should I 
> rethink the sine wave that I generated that makes use of 602 000 000 data 
> points? 
> Thanks for the help!
> Heystek   
>> On 26 Nov 2021, at 15:46, Andrew Martens <and...@sarao.ac.za 
>> <mailto:and...@sarao.ac.za>> wrote:
>> Hi Heystek
>> Simulink has a maximum BRAM size of 64k (16 bits address size). A 32 bit 
>> address size would equate to 4G addresses, which is far larger than the 
>> amount of BRAM available in the FPGA.
>> Regards
>> Andrew
>> On Fri, Nov 26, 2021 at 3:40 PM Heystek Grobler <heystekgrob...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:heystekgrob...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hey everyone. 
>> I have one last question regarding the BRAM. For my application I need an 
>> address width of 32, but I get the error that  the maximum allowable address 
>> width is 16. Is there away around this problem or a way to get the BRAM to 
>> use an address width of 32? 
>> Thanks for the help!
>> Heystek 
>>> On 25 Nov 2021, at 21:28, Dan Werthimer <d...@ssl.berkeley.edu 
>>> <mailto:d...@ssl.berkeley.edu>> wrote:
>>> hi morag. 
>>> thanks for helping everyone.
>>> best wishes,
>>> dan
>>> On Thu, Nov 25, 2021 at 11:25 AM Morag Brown <mbr...@sarao.ac.za 
>>> <mailto:mbr...@sarao.ac.za>> wrote:
>>> Happy to help :)
>>> On Thu, Nov 25, 2021 at 9:19 PM Heystek Grobler <heystekgrob...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:heystekgrob...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Hey Morag! 
>>> Know I understand! 
>>> It is working. 
>>> <Screenshot 2021-11-25 at 21.18.00.png>
>>> Thank you so much for the help!!! 
>>> Heystek 
>>>> On 25 Nov 2021, at 21:08, Morag Brown <mbr...@sarao.ac.za 
>>>> <mailto:mbr...@sarao.ac.za>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Heystek,
>>>> Great!
>>>> I think Jack mentioned in an earlier email that the maximum number that 
>>>> can be represented by a <32,31> fixed point system is 1 - 2^-31. Reducing 
>>>> the magnitude of your sinusoid so that the peak value is below this 
>>>> maximum would work. Or alternatively, scaling your values by an amount 
>>>> less than 2^31 would have the same effect.
>>>> Morag
>>>> On Thu, Nov 25, 2021 at 8:59 PM Heystek Grobler <heystekgrob...@gmail.com 
>>>> <mailto:heystekgrob...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> Hey Morag
>>>> That worked! 
>>>> When I read the packed sine wave from the BRAM, unpack it and plot it, I 
>>>> get this:
>>>> <Screenshot 2021-11-25 at 20.56.16.png>
>>>> I assume there is one data point that is causing problems at 1 or -1 that 
>>>> is overflowing? Any idea how I can fix that? 
>>>> Heystek 
>>>>> On 25 Nov 2021, at 20:22, Morag Brown <mbr...@sarao.ac.za 
>>>>> <mailto:mbr...@sarao.ac.za>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Heystek,
>>>>> You would need to increase the BRAM depth to one that can store all your 
>>>>> data - currently, because the address width is 10, it can only store 2^10 
>>>>> (1024) points and you're trying to write 6020. So you would need to 
>>>>> increase the address width to an appropriate size. 
>>>>> Morag
>>>>> On Thu, Nov 25, 2021 at 8:05 PM Heystek Grobler <heystekgrob...@gmail.com 
>>>>> <mailto:heystekgrob...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> Hey Morag
>>>>> The BRAM has an address width 10 and a data width of 32. 
>>>>> Should I increase it?
>>>>> Heystek 
>>>>>> On 25 Nov 2021, at 19:52, Morag Brown <mbr...@sarao.ac.za 
>>>>>> <mailto:mbr...@sarao.ac.za>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Heystek,
>>>>>> How big is the BRAM in your design? Does it have enough space to 
>>>>>> accommodate the amount of data you're trying to write to it?
>>>>>> Morag
>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 25, 2021 at 6:59 PM Heystek Grobler 
>>>>>> <heystekgrob...@gmail.com <mailto:heystekgrob...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hey Morag and Jack
>>>>>> Thank you for the suggestions. 
>>>>>> I played around a little bit. if I create the sine wave the same as you 
>>>>>> Morag, then it works. I am able to write it to the bram, read it back 
>>>>>> from the bram, unpack it and get the same signal back. As soon as I use 
>>>>>> the sine wave that I require for my application, then it breaks again. 
>>>>>> Here is what I achieved using your sine wave Morag (ps iI changed my 
>>>>>> design to 32 bit):
>>>>>> <Screenshot 2021-11-25 at 18.49.04.png>
>>>>>> <Screenshot 2021-11-25 at 18.49.34.png>
>>>>>> <Screenshot 2021-11-25 at 18.49.58.png>
>>>>>> When I use my sign wave, then it does not work:
>>>>>> <Screenshot 2021-11-25 at 18.55.45.png>
>>>>>> <Screenshot 2021-11-25 at 18.56.02.png>
>>>>>> <Screenshot 2021-11-25 at 18.56.14.png>
>>>>>> <Screenshot 2021-11-25 at 18.56.43.png>
>>>>>> The only thing that changed is the sine wave. is there something that I 
>>>>>> am missing? 
>>>>>> Thanks for the help! I really appreciate it! 
>>>>>> Heystek 
>>>>>>> On 25 Nov 2021, at 14:57, Morag Brown <mbr...@sarao.ac.za 
>>>>>>> <mailto:mbr...@sarao.ac.za>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I think that's because the functions used in both In[15] and In[16] do 
>>>>>>> the same thing. See the screenshots below to see what I mean. So you 
>>>>>>> construct the raw bytes data in In[15] and then try to pack that as an 
>>>>>>> integer in In]16}, which won't work because struct.pack('>i',A_y) 
>>>>>>> expects data of type int while you're actually giving it data of type 
>>>>>>> bytes. To pack the data using struct.pack() you would need to pass it 
>>>>>>> an int (or array of ints and tell it how many points you're packing). I 
>>>>>>> think (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) that you only need to do 
>>>>>>> one or the other to get the correct raw data to be written to BRAM.
>>>>>>> <Screenshot from 2021-11-25 14-55-29.png>
>>>>>>> <Screenshot from 2021-11-25 14-55-39.png>
>>>>>>> I also see you're scaling up by 2^31, but I think your BRAM is data 
>>>>>>> width is 16 bits, so you'd likely want to scale by 2^15?
>>>>>>> Morag
>>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 25, 2021 at 12:46 PM Heystek Grobler 
>>>>>>> <heystekgrob...@gmail.com <mailto:heystekgrob...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hey Jack and Morag
>>>>>>> thank you for the advice and help! i am still getting errors and is 
>>>>>>> stuck. Below is the new errors:
>>>>>>> <Screenshot 2021-11-25 at 12.41.43.png>
>>>>>>> <Screenshot 2021-11-25 at 12.42.53.png>
>>>>>>> I have also attached the new script I am working on. 
>>>>>>> Could it be that I am generating the sine wave incorrectly? I have 
>>>>>>> about 600 000 000 points that I am working with. 
>>>>>>> I keep getting “cannot convert argument to integer when running 
>>>>>>> struct.pack.
>>>>>>> Thanks for the help!
>>>>>>> Heystek 
>>>>>>>> On 23 Nov 2021, at 14:31, Jack Hickish <jackhick...@gmail.com 
>>>>>>>> <mailto:jackhick...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Heystek,
>>>>>>>> Assuming your BRAM is set for 32-bit wide, you probably want to be 
>>>>>>>> writing the values with 31 bits below the binary point -- i.e. 
>>>>>>>> normalized to the range [-1, 1)  (aka simulink FIx32_31). In this case 
>>>>>>>> the packed values would be:
>>>>>>>> struct.pack('>i', int(floating_point_sine_value * 2**31))
>>>>>>>> Though, be careful, because +1.0 isn't included in this number 
>>>>>>>> representation (the maximum is 1 - 2**-31) , so you might want to 
>>>>>>>> include some saturation logic (or scale up by a value less than 2**31).
>>>>>>>> For what it's worth, you can pack an entire numpy array with: 
>>>>>>>> floating_point_numpy_array.astype('>i').tobytes() ,which saves looping 
>>>>>>>> and appending to a binary string.
>>>>>>>> Does that help?
>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>> Jack
>>>>>>>> On Mon, 22 Nov 2021 at 18:10, Heystek Grobler 
>>>>>>>> <heystekgrob...@gmail.com <mailto:heystekgrob...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hey Jack
>>>>>>>> I am also well thank you. We are starting to go back to the 
>>>>>>>> observatory (HartRAO) again. 
>>>>>>>> Here is  a snippets of the python code that I am using as well as my 
>>>>>>>> simulink design:
>>>>>>>> The first nipped is where I create the sine wave:
>>>>>>>> The second snipped is where I plot the sine wave:
>>>>>>>> The third snipped is where I pack the sine wave array:
>>>>>>>> The fourth snipped is where I write the packed data to the BRAM:
>>>>>>>> Snipped 5 is where I want to use the sine wave and cosine wave:
>>>>>>>> But to check that it is working, I have created the simple design in 
>>>>>>>> snipped 6:
>>>>>>>> I have also attached my simulink design and python script. 
>>>>>>>> Thank you for the help! 
>>>>>>>> Heystek 
>>>>>>>>> On 22 Nov 2021, at 18:55, Jack Hickish <jackhick...@gmail.com 
>>>>>>>>> <mailto:jackhick...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Heystek,
>>>>>>>>> All good here (in London), Thanks. Hope things are going ok with you 
>>>>>>>>> too!
>>>>>>>>> I've taken this back on list for the benefit of others. Do you have:
>>>>>>>>> a) a snippet of some python code which you're using at the moment
>>>>>>>>> b) A Simulink snippet of the BRAM you're trying to write to, 
>>>>>>>>> indicating how the bram is configured and how its data are being used?
>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>> Jack
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 22 Nov 2021 at 16:52, Heystek Grobler 
>>>>>>>>> <heystekgrob...@gmail.com <mailto:heystekgrob...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hey Jack
>>>>>>>>> How are you? It has been a while since we last spoke. 
>>>>>>>>> I am really struggling to pack data into binary format for my design. 
>>>>>>>>> I was wondering if you have time if you can please help me with it. I 
>>>>>>>>> have no clue if what i am doing is correct and there is no one around 
>>>>>>>>> me with the knowledge to help me. 
>>>>>>>>> All that I want to do is too pack a sine wave that I already 
>>>>>>>>> generated, and write it to a BRAM. 
>>>>>>>>> I hope to hear from you soon!
>>>>>>>>> Heystek 
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