
Maybe I have to tell that we are very eager to evaluate NoSQL approaches and
for a simple case we want evaluate and compare each approaches.

In our case actually our data has not been denormalized yet and we are
suffering from a lot of joins. And because of very much updates in joined
tables we have a great performance problems in some situations. Another
difficulty we are dealing with is scaling problem. By now we have been using
master slaves model but in near future it seems that we will come across a
lot of problems.

By the way I tried to find an article about use cases, pros and cons of each
NoSQL solution but I could not find a detailed explanation about them.


On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 10:15 AM, Nathan McCall <n...@vervewireless.com>wrote:

> The workload you originally described does not sound like a difficult
> job for a relational database. Do you have any more information on the
> specifics of your access patterns and where you feel that an RDBMS
> might fall short?
> -Nate

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