Never mind. Figured out I forgot to compile thrift :)



On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Weijun Li <> wrote:

> Hi Sylvain,
> I applied your patch to 0.5 but it seems that it's not compilable:
> 1) column.getTtl() is no defined in
> public static RowMutation getRowMutation(String table, String key,
> Map<String, List<ColumnOrSuperColumn>> cfmap)
>     {
>         RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(table, key.trim());
>         for (Map.Entry<String, List<ColumnOrSuperColumn>> entry :
> cfmap.entrySet())
>         {
>             String cfName = entry.getKey();
>             for (ColumnOrSuperColumn cosc : entry.getValue())
>             {
>                 if (cosc.column == null)
>                 {
>                     assert cosc.super_column != null;
>                     for (org.apache.cassandra.service.Column column :
> cosc.super_column.columns)
>                     {
>                         rm.add(new QueryPath(cfName,
>,, column.value, column.timestamp,
> column.getTtl());
>                     }
>                 }
>                 else
>                 {
>                     assert cosc.super_column == null;
>                     rm.add(new QueryPath(cfName, null,,
> cosc.column.value, cosc.column.timestamp, cosc.column.getTtl());
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>         return rm;
>     }
> 2) Column.setTtl() is not defined.
> if (column instanceof ExpiringColumn)
>             {
>                 thrift_column.setTtl(((ExpiringColumn)
> column).getTimeToLive());
>             }
> 3) type mismatch for ColumnParent
> thriftClient_.insert(tableName, key, new ColumnParent(columnFamily,
> superColumnName),
>                              new Column(columnName, value.getBytes(),
> System.currentTimeMillis()), ConsistencyLevel.ONE);
> It seems that the patch doesn't add getTtl()/setTtl() stuff to
> Thanks,
> -Weijun
>  -----Original Message-----
>> From: Sylvain Lebresne []
>> Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 2:23 AM
>> To: Weijun Li
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: Strategy to delete/expire keys in cassandra
>> Hi,
>> > Should I just run command (in Cassandra 0.5 source folder?) like:
>> > patch –p1 –i  0001-Add-new-ExpiringColumn-class.patch
>> > for all of the five patches in your ticket?
>> Well, actually I lied. The patches were made for a version a little after
>> 0.5.
>> If you really want to try, I attach a version of those patches that
>> (should)
>> work with 0.5 (There is only the 3 first patch, but the fourth one is for
>> tests so not necessary per se). Apply them with your patch command.
>> Still, to compile that you will have to regenerate the thrift java
>> interface
>> (with ant gen-thrift-java), but for that you will have to install the
>> right
>> svn revision of thrift (which is libthrift-r820831 for 0.5). And if you
>> manage to make it work, you will have to digg in cassandra.thrift as it
>> make
>> change to it.
>> In the end, remember that this is not an official patch yet and it *will
>> not* make it in Cassandra in its current form. All I can tell you is that
>> I
>> need those expiring columns for quite some of my usage and I will do what
>> I
>> can to make this feature included if and when possible.
>> > Also what’s your opinion on extending ExpiringColumn to expire a key
>> > completely? Otherwise it will be difficult to track what are expired
>> > or old rows in Cassandra.
>> I'm not sure how to make full rows (or even full superColumns for that
>> matter) expire. What if you set a row to expire after some time and add
>> new
>> columns before this expiration ? Should you update the expiration of the
>> row
>> ? Which is to say that a row will expires when it's last column expire,
>> which is almost what you get with expiring column.
>> The one thing you may want though is that when all the columns of a row
>> expire (or, to be precise, get physically deleted), the row itself is
>> deleted. Looking at the code, I'm not convince this happen and I'm not
>> sure
>> why.
>> --
>> Sylvain

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