The subclassing of templates sounds really interesting, but actually I don't have many strong convitions on this front - I think we need some more experimentation. 

Or perhaps I have one idea about the templates.  I found it really simpler to code some more complicated parts as perl functions, put them on the stash and then use them as kind of macros in the templates, than coding it in the templating language.


On 8/18/06, Matt S Trout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Zbigniew Lukasiak wrote:
> Some more technical details.
> The main idea of how the scaffolding should work is that we generate
> only a skeleton of directories, nearly empty controllers and some config
> stuff.  The generated controllers  only contain their package
> declaration and a 'use base Catalyst::Example::Controller::InstantCRUD'
> line. So there is not that much of generated code here.  After the
> controllers are generated users are expected to copy the methods that
> they want to modify from the Catalyst::Example::Controller::InstantCRUD
> superclass - doing that they are taking responsibility for the copied
> code.  This way the main Instant controller, which is just a standard
> library and can be updated with standard means, is also an integral part
> of the example.  The copying perhaps is not such a trivial step - but in
> fact should be pretty natural for people working with Object Oriented
> code - it's just overwriting of SUPER class methods. I am also planning
> to make it more intuitive by the way of documentation.
> This is the theory - in practice the config stuff required to have a
> working application is a bit big, but we are working on it.
> A separate thing are the templates for the views, in the current CPAN
> version they are treated in a similar way that the controllers - the
> users are expected to just copy the generic templates from the
> InstantCRUD directory and modify them to their liking.  There were
> people on this list complaining about this and in the svn version now we
> create the basic templates in the generated application.  This means
> problems with the templates when upgrading the library, but perhaps we
> need to treat the templates separately from the code and expect them to
> be really quickly rewritten by the programmers.

We have an approach that allows standard templates to effectively be
subclassed; once it goes to public announce I'd love to have your opinion on
them since templates are the hardest issue for scaffolding and it's clear
you've done a fair bit of thinking about it.

None of what I'm saying denigrates InstantCRUD - it's a very well-implemented
Scaffold and I recommend it to people regularly. I just think it's possible to
achieve the same things a better way.

      Matt S Trout       Offering custom development, consultancy and support
   Technical Director    contracts for Catalyst, DBIx::Class and BAST. Contact
Shadowcat Systems Ltd.  mst (at) for more information

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