On 1/8/07, Will Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I want to conver a number to binary. I installed Math::BigInt, and get this
error when trying to plugin in the main controller:
 Can't locate Catalyst/Plugin/Math/BigInt.pm ... in
/lib/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi ..

 eventhough the installion is good. And I checked if the module installed.
There is a BigInt.pm in /lib /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/Math , and bigint.pm
(lowercase) in /lib /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5
 I'm not sure why I get the error.
 Then, I try to plugin in the controller that needs the functions, no
compiling error, but runtime error when I try to use the function, such as

this is my code:
my $x = 10;
$c->stash->{mybinary} = $x->as_bin();

Please help me to get this right. Also, I could not install

Thank you.

If you're on Debian (Etch) or derivatives, the "perl-modules" package
contains Math::BigInt. How did you install the library? You could also
check if the installation directory for that module is included in
@INC. Also, I think the module names and packages are


Juan M. Paredes A.

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