On 22. des.. 2007, at 06.37, Kieren Diment wrote:

On 22 Dec 2007, at 16:25, John Romkey wrote:

Since uri_for() won't help with static file paths, is there any convention for storing the path for static files in the config, or getting access to it in some other way?

Actually I've wanted a relative_uri_for() for a while. Not that badly apparently, otherwise I would have established that either a. something with this funcitonality already exists, or b. I would have implemented it and sent patches back in. All it is is the relative URI without the host name to be honest, so I guess it would be pretty straightforward to implement.

not sure I understand you, but c.uri_for('something/ something').path_part (I think that is the name of the method)

- andreas

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