On Fri, Dec 21, 2007 at 11:06:33PM +0100, Daniel McBrearty wrote:
> >
> > My experience is that every time I think I -can- make that assumption, later
> > I end up really wishing I could deploy my app to a sub-URL for testing or
> > similar.
> >
> > You may not have such bad luck, but I don't like to take that chance these 
> > days :)
> If I hit that one (needing to test code on the real server while an
> existing version runs) I typically just run a second server on port
> 8080 or something. That makes it completely independent of the running
> version (as long as you make sure you use a test database) and lets
> you deploy at /.

Actually, that wasn't the particular testing case I was thinking of, but the
point is there are -lots- of things that turn out to be good reasons for running
an app on a sub-URL. Yes, there are workaround for each individual case, but
they're all workarounds.

Given how little more effort it is, doing things properly in the first place
seems like a much better idea to me.

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