On Sat, 22 Dec 2007 15:34:14 +1030
Jon Schutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>It seems to me you would know about it, one way or another, if you had
>3000 apache processes!

It would seem so, wouldn't it? :-) From what I remember, though, we
never saw a real increase in port 443 connections.

>I would speculate that the logic in Catalyst::Model::DBI that checks
>whether it currently has an active connection, is not working for
>remote Postgres connections, so it keeps creating new ones.  

That makes sense. I even looked at C::M::DBI, quite a bit, but it just
didn't make it through all my hair-pulling . . .

>I suggest (a) making sure you have the latest version of DBI and DBD::pg and
>postgres libraries, 

I will do that tomorrow, although I'm pretty sure they're fairly current
-- the servers were just built a few weeks ago (Gentoo, from scratch).

>and if that doesn't solve it, (b) add debug into Catalyst::Model::DBI
>stay_connected sub to find out which bit of the logic is causing a

See? Now *that's* what I should have realized! ;-) Even after looking
at that code, it didn't occur to me to add the debug code; of course, I
have debug code all over everything else. Looks like I will be driving
in to work tomorrow . . .

>As I'm not much of a postgres or mod_perl user, I bow out here and let
>the experts take over...

Well, I would like to thank you profusely. You've at least helped clear
the cobwebs away from my overworked brain cell and given me a bit of
hope that I'm not entirely out of my depth -- close, but not
completely, yet! :-) Thanks, again.

Kevin Nathan (Arizona, USA)  

Open standards. Open source. Open minds. 
The command line is the front line.
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