On 11 Apr 2008, at 22:21, Nigel Metheringham wrote:

On 11 Apr 2008, at 12:41, Paul Makepeace wrote:
I'm curious, is there a compelling reason you're using one of the
nine(!) RSS "standards" versus Atom?
 my $feed = XML::Feed->new('Atom');

Going somewhat off-topic, when I was trying this I found XML::Feed was producing Atom feeds that caused apoplexy to the feed validators I tried, so I changed to XML::Atom::SimpleFeed (which has other issues but was at least producing output that the checker was happy with).

Are you generating valid Atom with XML::Feed or did I hold the wrong end of the chainsaw?

Yep, XML::Feed it is. I must say I have no idea what the best solution would be, any ideas?

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