* Toby Corkindale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-04-16 09:10]:
> Eg:
> http://eventbot.dryft.net/people/view/13
> ==
> http://eventbot.dryft.net/people/view/pir
> (It's an old site of mine written in an afternoon; if/when
> I refactor it, those URLs would be more REST-like, ie.
> http://eventbot.dryft.net/people/(pir|13)/view )

1. Why is the `/view` bit necessary at all?

   (Note: Chained is absolutely *grrrrrreat* for taking full
   control of your URI space.)

2. URI design is important, but not because it has anything to do
   with REST.
   Your URIs could be /aslkdjsad42 and /xyzzysd-291kk1 for all
   REST cares. REST is about decoupling server and client from
   each other by keeping client state on the client and resource
   state on the server and passing representations of resources
   back and forth to affect the state on each end.

   In all this, URIs serve purely as identifiers that the client
   is expected not to try to interpret in any way at all. Only
   the server which has minted a URI is allowed to ascribe any
   meaning to it.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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